Benefits of having a fever


Most parents worries that fever is a sign of severe disease. But in actual a fever is the body’s way of fighting an infection. There are several studies which suggest a mild to moderate fever is good for us as it helps in increasing the immunity within our body. When our body comes in contact with a foreign virus or bacteria it shoots the temperature up and this is a reaction of our body to fight the foreign microorganism and prevent its impacts. There are several benefits of having a fever but the disadvantages can also not be ruled.

Is Fever Good for a Child:

Is-fever-good-for-a-childWell, a mild to moderate fever is good and sometimes it goes even without being noticed. The child may or may not show any signs of fever as most of the times they are active enough but need rest and proper care as their body temperature is higher than normal. Some facts about fever:

1. A Fever May Not Always be Dangerous:

Generally mild to moderate fever do not cause any damage to our body. And they are not dangerous, except the cases where a high fever prevails for over 48 hours and stays untreated even after medicines. Fever normally is the body’s own treatment for a foreign micro-organism which entered the body.

A-fever-may-not-always2. Fever are easy to treat even at home:

Most fevers do not even need medicines, and if at all they need those would be over the counter drugs. A high fever can also be brought down with home remedies like water bath or soak. NSAIDs are available everywhere over the counter and can be given as prescribed to control high fevers. Though it is not recommended to give any medicine until the fever is over 101 F

3. Fevers stimulate our immune system:

Most fevers bring more and more immunity to our body. Fever is our body’s natural way to kill the micro organism which have entered our body. As these fungi, bacteria and viruses thrive at a particular temperature and with heat they are rendered inactive and die out. Our body defeats the illness caused by these in its own ways like high fever

4. Fever helps in creating more mucous:

Mucous membranes in our body provide a shield to our body against infections. They also kill these infection causing micro organisms. Fever creates more mucous thus more and more immunity in our body. Mucous either traps and kills the infection causer or keeps a check and prevents further damage to our health

5. Fever spurs the rapid production of white blood cells:

Fever brings the immune system to a higher gear and triggers the production of white blood cells, which clobber bugs and infections. This reduces the length and severity of the impacts these infections bring to the child’s body

spurs-the-rapid-production6. Brain mechanism prevents fevers to cross 105-107F:

All the fevers which are caused by infections and are body’s mechanism to fight them, can never be harmful. They are regulated by our brain and never cross the higher limits of 105 to 107F.

Keep a check on the activity and comfort of a child. The thermometer may read 104 but if your child is fine and active it may not be anything serious at all

Some Precautions When Your Child has a Fever:

keep these points in mind as fever in itself is not harmful always but it may make the body more prone to other severe impacts:

1. Dehydration:

Fever causes dehydration so keep the fluid intake high in your kids. A child with a fever needs to be more than routine fluids as the body is consuming the fluids even more at a higher temperature.

2. Loss of vitamins and minerals:

Keep offering the child ORS or fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals to compensate the excess of these losses. Since the infection causing micro organism needs the electrolytes from our body to sustain and thrive they prevent these vitamins and minerals to be consumed by our body.

3. Fever may cause seizures in some:

Be sure to monitor your child for some high fevers may cause seizures. These may cause further health problems to be sure to see your paediatrician immediately

4. High fever shuts down vital organs function:

When fever reaches 104F or higher our body shuts down the vital organs as they may get damaged. This may cause more health problems so visit your healthcare provider quickly for easing off.

When to Seek help if a Child Have Fever:

When-to-seek-help-if-a-childSome situations must be carefully checked and any of the below needs immediate medical attention:

  • If an infant less than 6 weeks old has over 100.5 F rectal temperature
  • A fever over 5 days
  • High fever with lot of discomfort and lethargy and making child unresponsive
  • High fever with other symptoms like severe headache, rashes on skin, aversion to light, stiff and painful neck. And the child in uncomfortable and crying all the time

The above compilation on Benefits of having a fever is to help parents and caretakers, to not follow the myths regarding fever. And be patient as not all fevers are dangerous and not every temperature rise needs medicine.

Be sure to check with your pediatrician for any prolonged and high fever or other symptoms in kids. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!