Essential Beauty and Care Tips Pregnant Women Should Know


Are you worried that pregnancy will bring in not just the hormonal changes but also the alteration in the way you look? Wondering why the sudden sprouting thicker hair and sweating up? The very common statements “you’ve started glowing like never before” or “haven’t you started looking so pale and dull?” These are normal comments that you might hear in your pregnancy days. The symptoms of pregnancy will differ from woman to woman depending on their hormonal cycle. All these changes are normal and natural.

I still remember the time when my sister was carrying and in a few weeks, started to develop dark patches on the skin near her cheekbone and jawline. She was really troubled and conscious of it. It lowered her confidence and moral. But to conceal that, would you know if applying make-up has a side effect on the baby growing within you? Or getting a skin treatment would do any harm to the baby? We did then learn that there are so many ways in which a woman can and should take better care of her skin and body to enhance the beauty during her special phase of life. Let’s take a look at few beauty tips pregnant ladies.

Effective tips to follow during pregnancy:

1. Drinking water

The first thing that a doctor might say to a pregnant woman would be to drink a lot of water as that helps in flushing out the toxins from your body. It helps the body to maintain the right amount of amniotic fluid for the baby to be comfortable in the sac. This is the first and the essential tip which you should add to your routine for your and baby’s health. Doctors recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water each day.

2. Eating right food

Beauty tips during pregnancy cannot be precise unless you have the right food. This is the right time you need to be extra cautious with your eating habits. Healthy eating habit during pregnancy is an essential tip for ladies, especially during the first trimester. For the baby, you need the necessary nutrients for its overall development and growth. Exterior beauty is your inner reflection. If you are healthy within be assured that your skin glows from outside.

3. Sleeping right

Fatigue is the main reason why the looks dull and low. This takes place especially during the first trimester when fatigue is the major symptom of pregnancy. Take your sleep cycle very seriously such that you have enough sleep each night for your body to rejuvenate.

4. Healthy lifestyle and right weight

Pregnancy undoubtedly makes you feel lethargic. And during this phase you want someone to do a lot of things you used to do yourself. Maintaining a right workout not just keeps you healthy but the baby as well. Pregnancy makes you want to eat a lot but again, a lot of junk food is not going to add to your health but only calories. Weight gain from junk food does not help. Stick to a healthy strict diet and consult a doctor for better suggestions.

5. Stretch marks

We have heard a lot of new mommies complain about stretch marks after pregnancy. Honestly, over 90% of the women will develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Use a stretch mark cream advised by your doctor. Use it on a daily basis and gently massage it onto your belly skin.

6. Skin care tips

Your skin is bound to change during pregnancy. This is a normal symptom and usually temporary. Try to apply some herbal plant-based cream on your skin to prevent it getting dry. You can also use coconut oil or olive oil to massage into your skin. All you need to keep in mind is the chemical ingredient which should not harm your baby.

7. Make-up during pregnancy?

A woman cannot go wrong with makeup, but what would you want to do during your pregnancy? Again, go with brands that deal with herbal products or chemical free ingredients. It is recommended to not use lipstick as we tend to eat them unintentionally. The lead content in the lipstick can harm the baby growing within you. We understand you will develop new spots on the skin and have bags under your eyes; makeup will conceal it and give a fresh look but highly recommend you to use only the natural/ herbal ones that you could make at home or buy.

8. Acne treatment during pregnancy?

Hormonal changes in you will cause changes on your skin leading to breakouts. Clean up your skin so that the pores are not clogged. Prefer not to use any medication or any acidic exfoliating scrubs unless you have been prescribed by a practitioner who knows you’re pregnant. There are a lot of product in the market now specifically for women who are pregnant.

9. Apply hair color during pregnancy?

Many experts advise waiting until the beginning of the second trimester (R) to color the hair. With the hormonal changes in you, your hair might be growing faster than usual and might have a change in the texture of the hair too. But the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy is the phase when your baby develops majorly. Even though you do not absorb many chemicals from the hair dye, why take chances? Use gentle color and if possible speak to your doctor for any recommendations.

10. Tanning beds during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a mystery in a way in a lot of women with respect to the symptoms that individual woman face. The pregnant women with sensitive skin should not really expose themselves to the sun or UV rays whether from tanning beds or sun. They may be more prone to chloasma which results into dark splotches that appear on the face and occasionally arms of a pregnant lady. Avoiding the UV rays is the best way to ensure healthier skin and less chances of skin cancer, hives or worsen chloasma. The tanning lotions, creams, and foams can be used instead, however, again check for any harmful content or chemical in it.

11. Nail polish during pregnancy?

It is considered okay to use the nail polish and the remover during pregnancy as long as you know about it and are careful. The nail polish nowadays is known to not contain hazardous chemicals, however, using branded ones makes sure to have the toxin chemicals off your nails. Avoid if possible to reduce the exposure to formaldehyde and toluene.

12. Tattoos during pregnancy?

There are several concerns around tattoos during pregnancy. It is possible to wait until delivery if you want to get a tattoo. A lot of infections which you might be open to while tattooings like Hepatitis B, liver infection or HV/AIDS. These diseases can pass on to your baby if you acquire them due to unhygienic conditions. There are researches ongoing on how the tattoo ink and the dyes affect the developing baby. But understand that even a  small amount of chemical injected into your body can affect the baby in several ways. Also, as a matter of fact, your skin is changing during pregnancy and you might not want to do the tattoo right as the tattoo might not look the same after you deliver.

13. Hair removal during pregnancy/ Shaving?

Hair-removing chemicals may irritate your skin or trigger an allergic reaction when used while pregnant. Even the fragrance might be nauseating to you. This is more likely to happen during pregnancy because you are sensitive to smell and also the skin is more sensitive. Tweezers, waxing, and shaving should not have any side effects though and can be used,

14. Contact lenses or Glasses?

Changes in hormonal levels and fluid retention can distort vision during pregnancy. This the doctors recommend to use the same contact lenses during the pregnancy and an eye check-up should be done post pregnancy. There could be an irritation with itchy feeling in your eyes and contact lenses can add to your discomfort. Thus continue wearing glasses if the itchiness pertains.

15. Maternity clothes for pregnancy

Pregnancy does not mean you cannot be fashionable or need to have a boring wardrobe. There are a lot of pregnancy comfortable yet stylish clothes that you can flaunt your curves with. But the recommendation sticks to the fact that you should not wear tight suffocating clothes as that hampers the baby’s growth and adds to your discomfort. To accommodate the growing bump, you need to add fashion mix maternity to your wardrobe. Also – do not buy these clothing just during your initial pregnancy weeks as you are going to grow and might not fit in it again. The usual conviction of the pregnant women goes to get dressed in dark colors like black, navy blue etc as they make them look slimmer. Try to feel smart and happy in what you wear. Do not wear uncomfortable jeans, but go and grab a maternity pant which is available in the market. They are the best comfortable hassle free pants which also has a belly band to hold the weigh.