Be Prepared to Keep Kids and Family Safe This Freezing Winter!


Winter is here, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay back indoors! We are going to tell you about cold safety in winters and winter safety tips for kids.

As we said, do not get morose and wait for the spring season to get out of your homes. There is a bunch of fun outdoor games and sports to enjoy this season like skiing, sledding, ice skating, etc. It is an easy way to keep you fit during the cold winters and also a great way to spend quality entertaining time with your family. Agree, for this to happen, someone has to shovel the snow and take into consideration all the precautions to keep your family safe in these harsh winters. Especially the kids need to be kept warm when the temperature drops as children less likely to realize when they are cold.

Be-prepared-to-keep-kidTips to keep your kids warm in cold:

  • Do not leave kids outdoor unattended or alone. Make sure the kid is accompanied by few more of their friends and they look out for one another. Especially the kids below 8 must not be left unsupervised. Keep constant checks on kids playing outdoors for long hours.
  • Be cautious of the weather report. Read the weather report before sending kids out to play. Especially if there is a snowstorm or extreme weather conditions, never send children outside.
  • Check the temperature before sending kids out. Do not send your kids out if the temperature is noted to be below -16 degree Fahrenheit as the exposed skin tends to freeze in such conditions.
  • Let children play near warm shelters like a house such that they can have a quick rescue to cold or extreme freezing.
  • Always apply sunscreen even if it is cloudy to save the skin from harsh weather. Skin is prone to sunburns more during winters as the sun (UV rays) can reflect off the snow.
  • Instruct kids to come inside immediately if they get wet or if they feel cold.
  • Indulge kids in food that help them keep warm like healthy fats increase the metabolism which in turns produces heat in the body to keep warm. Eating the right food is very important in winters. Also, eating spicy food, soup or hot coffee and tea can let go of the chills.
  • Send kids outdoors with sunglasses or eye gear to protect their eyes from the glare.

Tips-to-keep-your-kids-warmClothing for kids for keeping children safe in cold weather:

Do not overdo with kid’s dress – either too much or too less. A random check on the kid’s hands and legs can tell you if they feel alright. If their hands and feet are warm, then what they are wearing is just right. If the kids are dressed in too warm clothes, they could sweat and end up feeling colder when the stop an activity.

  • Layer up the clothing for your kids such that they can pull it off when they feel warm after playing and put it on once they feel cold.
  • Wear a headgear such that the ears are not exposed to the cold wind. A lot of heat can dissipate through the head.
  • Keep ears covered as cold weather protection all time to avoid frostbite.
  • Prefer mittens for kids instead of gloves as it offers more warmth and comfort when the fingers are together.
  • Remove wet clothing and socks immediately after the play. Always keep a pair of socks handy for the kids.
  • Prefer Velcro instead of drawstrings in the kid’s clothing for ease and avoid tripping over the strings or it being caught while playing.
  • Use a neck warmer for kids instead of the usual scarf to avoid choking kids.
  • Waterproof boots as cold weather protection for feet should be roomy enough for a thick pair of socks or an extra pair of socks to fit in easily.
  • Wear a bright color other than white.

Clothing-for-kids-forWinter Weather Safety Tips While Outdoor Play Activities:

Whether building snowmen or play games in the snow, kids need to be taught a few safety tips for the winter season.

  • Keep distance from snow bowlers.
  • Children in winter must stay away from the roads, fences or water bodies.
  • Never throw a snowball at anyone or at cars. The snowball might hurt as they prick; especially the packed ice becomes harder. It can be aimed at a tree or a wall for a safe target while playing.
  • Do not eat snow, they are dirty!
  • Do not put any metal object on the tongue as it might stick and freeze due to the cold and cause an injury.
  • Roads are risky to play or cross as the car drivers usually may not see the kid. Also, icy roads may be difficult to stop.
  • Building a snow fort or tunnels is fun but should be always supervised by elders as it might cause suffocation to the kid in case the snow fort collapses.
  • Children in cold weather are prone to nosebleeds. Saline nose drops can help keep the nose moist in winters.

Winter Weather Safety Tips While Skating:

Winter-Weather-Safety-TipsKids should be taught on these below safety tips for skating in winters:

  • Kids should always wear headgear like a helmet while skating.
  • Kid’s skates should be comfortable with proper ankle support to avoid any injury like a twist, sprain or breaks.
  • Kids should skate in the presence of elders or in public outdoors to avoid any possible mishap.
  • Kids should be taught to read the signposts near the ice and they should obey them all. Yellow is usually to warn that it could be slippery and red is to say no skating at all.
  • Do not let your kids skate at the pond, it is never safe. The ice has to be at least 10 cm thick to be safe for skating.

Winter Weather Safety Tips While Skiing/ Snowboarding:


  • Kids should be taught properly to ski through an instructor.
  • Do not let kids ski or snowboard alone.
  • Every time your kid pulls out the snowboard or the ski equipment, make sure to check it thoroughly once for fit and maintenance.
  • Make them wear proper head guard like a helmet with side vents open to allow the kids to hear.
  • Ask kids to never over speed. Teach them how to control speed. Stunts and fatigue must not be performed as it causes injuries.
  • Dress appropriate for any of these activities especially wears a bright color.
  • Avoid icy mountains as it might increase the probability of injury if a fall happens.
  • Stay strictly in the designated area or on the marked trails.
  • Keep an eye on the obstacles and be vigilant of the fellow skiers.

Winter Weather Safety Tips While Sledding:


  • Kids should wear a helmet and other safety guards always while sledding.
  • Use safe sled, the edges should not be sharp.
  • Grip the sled handles properly and should secure them.
  • Never let the kids sled on the roadways.
  • Kids should maintain posture while sledding by sitting upright or kneeling. Kids should not lie down or look back as they might trip or topple over and cause an injury.
  • Look for obstacles before starting to sled.
  • Never sled in crowded slopes as you could end up injuring others as well.

Know the Correct Terms:

Know-the-correct-termsIt is good to familiarize yourself with the winter weather emergencies and the terms used:

  • Freezing Rain: As soon as the rain hits the ground, it freezes is called freezing rain. It creates a coating of ice on the roads, walkways and power lines, etc.
  • Sleet: Rain that midway forms pellets of ice before reaching the ground which causes the moisture on the roads to freeze and becomes slippery.
  • Winter Storm Watch: A winter storm which is very strong and cold can possibly happen in your area. Cold safety in winters is a must.
  • Frost/ Freeze warning: When the temperature is expected to go below the freezing temperature.

Other Generic Tips to Keep Safe During Winters:

  • Keep distance from the heaters, kids should also be taught the same. If your kid is too young, you must safeguard the space.
  • Keep flammable things away from heaters and fireplace.  (Rugs, bedding curtain, etc.)
  • Keep your pets warm too by keeping them indoors during winters. Also can provide them insulated bedding and sweaters to shield them.
  • Do not leave your car heating up while unattended.
  • Hold up a car emergency kit always handy.
  • Make sure roads are safe before driving.
  • Keep up with the weather report and news to be safe and indoors during the storm warning.
  • Learn and teach kids about frost Bite signs. They usually are pale and gray or blistered skin usually on the fingertips or ears and nose (any exposed skin).

How to Cure It?

  • Gently rewarm frostbitten areas by soaking the skin into warm water for 15-30 minutes. Do not rewarm a frostbitten skin with direct heat, it can cause burns.
  • Wrap them up completely to avoid re-freezing.
  • Do not walk with the frostbitten feet or toes as it causes further damage.
  • Consult a doctor for any severe injuries and medical treatments.