14 Important Back-To-School Tips For Parents


Is your child ready to go to school? Planning in advance, is very important when preparing our children for the first day of school. A child feels confident and competent, if parents are calm, supportive and reassuring. The important back-to-school tips for parents help the child adjust to the new environment.

Back-To-School Tips For Parents

1. Be Prepared and Plan in Advance

One of the most important back-to-school tips for a parent, is, you must first find out what the dress code of the school is, if there is any.

Get a supply list, which includes all the required clothing, lunch boxes, backpacks and supplies purchased in advance. Make sure, you do not do the last-minute shopping, as this can only add stress for both children and parents.

2. Do not burden the child

Both children and parents experience separation anxiety. Be honest with your children. Do not burden the child, with your own anxieties. Talk to them about their fears, and listen patiently. They will surely tell you everything.

3. Get to know New Teachers

It is important to visit your child’s school at least one week in advance, before you are attending a new school. Let your child get familiar with the classrooms, the important offices such as the principal and the nurse; and hallways.

Few schools do not give you the opportunity to spend some quality time in getting to know about your kid’s teachers. Try to find a few minutes before or after school, for one-on-one interaction with the teachers.

You can even send an introductory email that includes how you can help during the school year, which can be a great opportunity to get to know each other before the year begins.

Make sure, you and the child reads the letter together, if your child’s teacher sends a welcome letter.

4. Create a buddy system

It is advisable for parents to find out if there are any friends, neighbors, or relatives in their class. You can make the transition to move more smoothly, by knowing a child and creating a buddy system.

5. Set up a Bedtime and Wake-up Routine in Advance

An important back-to-school tip for parents, is to start a bedtime schedule, two weeks in advance of the start of school. Preparing them for the bedtimes, will help them be on the right sleeping schedule and it will be one less worry for your family. Make sure he/she gets 10 hours of sleep at night, otherwise they may feel cranky and tired, and remember they do not have coping skills as adults have.

6. Plan Healthy Lunches and Snacks

Make healthier choices for your kids, by planning the meals in your home. You can pack a healthy, protein-rich snacks and lunches, balanced with fruits, vegetables and other wholesome items. Ensure your children will have the energy and brain power with these healthy foods, to make it through their school days.

7. Do Your Homework

It is advisable to talk to the teacher, the guidance counselor, principal and the nurse in advance. Show them both your good willingness and interest. Let them know in advance of any concerns you have in regard to your child’s health, and any learning problems your child faces.

Make sure the teachers and administrators have a complete list of any medical concerns regarding your kids, including allergies. Keep all the emergency contacts up to date.

8. Organize Clothing

Take your time to carefully organize, your kids clothes. You may need to donate or otherwise get rid of the clothing that your kids have outgrown. Decide what items, you may need more of before school begins.

9. Prepare a Safety first Attitude

An important part of preparing for the first day of school, is the safety first attitude. Let your children know of the traffic as well as physical safety. The younger kids, should know their name, how to spell it, their telephone number, and the number of a responsible and safe adult, that is taught by their parents.

10. Talk to Your Kids About Bullying

Teach them the proper way to deal with bullies, by reporting them to either a teacher or counselor. Make sure they understand the right way to treat their peers, and when to speak up, if they see someone else being bullied.

Tell them to come to you immediately, if they feel they are being bullied. Set firm and consistent limits, if your child shows aggressive behavior.

11. Set up a Staging Area

It is recommended to set up a staging area, by finding a central spot, where you can store everything related to school, including upcoming outfits, backpacks, and a dry erase calendar with family schedules. Try to keep this area, free of any clutter and other non-school items. Doing this way, can help you find what and when you need them quickly.

Allow the kids, help you stock it with school-related items and keep it clean and functional.

12. Communicate with Your Child

It is important to talk with your children about their feelings and make them involve in a conversation. This gives them, some sense of control. Do not ever embarrass, demean your child’s feelings. Instead, ask them how you can help them in this transition, in making the first day of school a pleasant beginning. Interacting with your child, can make them more likely to follow a smooth outcome and go happily to school.

13. Create a peaceful environment at home

Encourage your kids to read at least one book before the school year begins. At a young age, it is necessary to create an environment that is conducive to doing homework. They will need a consistent workspace in their bedroom or another part of the home that is quiet, without distractions, and promotes study.

14.Create a list of fun after-school activities and games to keep your kids entertained

Apart from the homework, let your kids have creative after-school activities, to keep the kids entertained. Activities such as recycling objects, designing a comic strip, play Improv games, create an art sheet, weave a basket, play board games, or stage a Scavenger Hunt.

By Supraja