Baby Wheezing: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, And Home Remedies

Baby Wheezing

When does wheezing in babies occur? Does the baby often get wheezing? How to get rid of wheezing in babies? I know this ample number of questions may be evolving around your mind. Don’t freq out!! Just get relax and stress free.

Baby wheezing (R) is all about tiny breaths accompanied by a whistling sound.  The sound is often high-pitched and is similar to the sound of the wind blowing through a tunnel.

Well, this article will let you know brief information about the baby wheezing and the ways to get rid of wheezing in babies.

What is Wheezing In Babies?


Baby wheezing is all about tiny breaths accompanied by a whistling sound.  The sound is often high-pitched and is similar to the sound of the wind blowing through a tunnel. As the child airways are small the babyface with wheezing. It occurs during the breathing when the airways are partially blocked.

It is usually not that serious condition but when the babyface difficulty in breathing it wise to consult a doctor. But overall it is too common in babies around the initial stage of newborn baby wheezing.

It is mainly heard when the baby is breathing out then the wheezing sounds occurs. In most cases, wheezing is caused by the sound of air which tries to move through the breathing tubes of the lungs when they become narrow or tight. The breathing tubes are called the airways of the lungs.

What Causes Baby Wheezing?

Causes Baby Wheezing

The possible causes of newborn baby wheezing are as follows-

1. Allergies:

Allergies to any substance can be a possible cause to create extra phlegm. Then the baby body sees that substance as a foreign body and their immunity system response. The airways that lead to the lungs react to an allergen by swelling and secreting extra mucus, which contributes to wheezing and shortness of breath.

2. Bronchiolitis:

This is another common cause of wheezing in babies. Bronchiolitis (R) is defined as a lower respiratory infection. It is typically caused by a virus that mostly occurs in winter in the case of a baby. The infections caused by bronchiolitis lead to inflammation and accumulation of mucus, which as a result narrows the airways to an extent that the baby is unable to get enough air to breathe.

3. Asthma:

In some cases, the baby wheezing is an indicator of asthma, given the fact the baby with asthma does also has a wheezing issue. This is due to exposure to a potential airborne allergen. This leads to wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest.

4. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):

Here comes with another cause for baby wheezing. Which is known as GERD. This is a condition in which stomach acid leaks back into the esophagus or food pipe. The acid causes irritation when it comes in contact with the airways. The irritation and obstruction of the windpipe due to the stomach contents leads to wheezing, which is a prominent symptom of GERD.

Rare Causes Of Wheezing In Children And Infants:

Some of the rare causes of wheezing in baby are as follows-

  • congenital vascular abnormalities
  • cystic fibrosis
  • immunodeficiency diseases
  • primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • tracheobronchial anomalies
  • vocal cord dysfunction

Symptoms Of Wheezing In Babies:

Symptoms of wheezing can develop suddenly, over 24-48 hours or may come on slowly over several days. Newborn baby wheezing symptoms include:-

  • Cold and cough
  • Breathing difficulties
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Shivering
  • Expansion and contradiction of chest
  • Tightening of the neck muscles.
  • Face becomes red
  • Congestion, running nose, sneezing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Choking, throat pain
  • Whistling sound while exhaling

Home Remedies For Wheezing In Babies:

To stop wheezing in babies you can follow certain home remedies in order to get rid of wheezing in babies. Some of the ways are as follows-

1. Mustard Oil Massage:


Nothing work as better what mustard oil can work for babies in order to get rid of wheezing in babies. Mustard oil soothes breathing and provides with instant relief to the babies. The mustard oil massage improves the blood circulation and clears the respiratory tract.

How To Do:

  1. Heat up some mustard oil and
  2. In it add a piece of camphor.
  3. Dissolve camphor completely and
  4. Massage the chest thoroughly for 10-15 minutes to your baby

How Often:

  • Do it at least 3 times a day.

2. Raw Onions:


This is another home way to stop wheezing in babies. The presence of Sulphur content of raw onions has an antimicrobial effect which as a results fight with the infection. The raw onion helps in opening up the blocked airways and helps in treating wheezing in babies.

How To Do:

  1. Cut one or half raw onion and
  2. Add to the solid food of your baby
  3. Grind the food into a paste
  4. And give to your baby

How Often:

  • You can include in one time of a meal of your baby.

3. Steam Bath:


Stream bath is a great way that provide relief for the blocked airways in kids. Steam bath help in melting phlegm and the humidifies respiratory tracts make breathing easier for the baby. You can read also what how to bath a baby.

How To Do:

  1. Just warm boil some water and add to the bathtub of the baby.
  2. To it add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or any essential oil
  3. Then give a steam bath for about 10 minutes.

How Often:

  • Do it once in a day.

4. Honey:


Honey contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which as a results prevent from infections. This is one of the easy home remedies for wheezing in babies.It removes phlegm from the bronchial tubes and enhances the overall immunity of the baby.

How To Do:

  1. Just take a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon powder.
  2. And give to your baby.

How Often:

  • You can do this twice a day. One time in morning and one time in the evening.

5. Drinking Warm Liquid:


Giving a bit of warm water works great to get rid of wheezing in babies. This does also works for adults too. It help to break down mucus and prevent airway obstruction in babies. Make sure you give just mild warm water to your baby not full warm water. The temperature of the water should be as per the resistance of your baby.

How To Do:

  1. Boil some water in a saucepan
  2. Bring it cool at the room temperature
  3. Add to the feeding bottle of your baby

How Often:

  • Feed the baby after each hour of the day.

6. Mint:


Mint is a wonderful home remedies for wheezing in babies.Mint soothe the respiratory tract and cure various breathing troubles in babies. Mints remove the phlegm and mucus.

How To Do:

  1. Crush 5-6 basil (tulsi) and mint leaves.
  2. Add these to two cups of boiling water
  3. Add 2-cm ginger piece and 4-5 peppercorns.
  4. Boil till the water reduces to half.
  5. Strain the water and add honey to it.
  6. Give to your baby

How Often:

  • Give this once in the morning.

7. Fenugreek Seeds:


This is one of the Ayurveda way of treatment for wheezing in babies. Fenugreek has an anti-inflammatory effects to fight the infection in babies that causes wheezing. This is an instant and quick way to give relief to a new born baby wheezing.

How To Do:

  1. Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and leave it for an hour.
  2. Extract a teaspoon of ginger juice.
  3. Add the ginger juice into the strained fenugreek seeds water.
  4. To it add a tablespoon of honey.
  5. Mix it well and give it to babies

How Often:

  • Give it in the morning at least once.

8. Sesame Oil:


Sesame oil also works as great as mustard oil. This a easy and effective home remedies for wheezing in babies. Sesame oil soothes breathing and provides with instant relief to the babies. The sesame oil massage improves the blood circulation and clears the respiratory tract.

How To Do:

  1. Mix 100 ml sesame oil, half a teaspoon of asafoetida and two pinches of powdered camphor.
  2. Store this paste in a glass jar and massage the baby’s upper back and chest

How Often:

  • Do it twice a day.

9. Humidifiers:


Humidifiers works really great around dry winter for the baby who suffer from wheezing. The humidifier helps to loosen congestion and reduce the severity of wheezing in babies. You can too add certain essential oil at humidifiers. For more details about humidifier for baby you can check on (R)

How To Do:

  1. Get the humidifier in the room
  2. Field the water as per the instruction
  3. Switch on the humidifier on button
  4. If possible you can add any essential oil.

How Often:

  • You can put the humidifier while the baby is sleeping.

10. Include More Fruits and Vegetables:


Many studies has proven that nutrition plays a great role in controlling such symptoms of wheezing. Vitamin C may have a protective effect on the respiratory system as per the 2015 research (R) studies. Giving food rich of vitamin C to babies even adults work great to stop wheezing in babies. You can give food with vitamin C, such as-

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell peppers
  • Oranges

How To Prevent Wheezing In Babies?


Prevention is better than cure. So there are few things that you can take care in order to prevent wheezing in babies, such as-

1. Protect Baby From Pathogens:

The baby’s should be surrounded by a clean and protective environment. Always try to keep the baby away from family members with infection. They should wear a mask when attending to the baby this will help the baby to protect from pathogens.

2. Administer Medicines On Time:

Babies with asthma should be given medicines on time. You should not delay in respect with any medication for the baby. Always keep the baby’s medication handy. This will work great to get rid of wheezing and other complications in babies.

3. Avoid Choking Hazards:

You should have baby proof your house and remove all items that can pose a choking hazard to the baby. Make sure you do not feed certain foods like grapes, raisins, nuts, and other foods that can get stuck in the windpipe easily of a baby.

4. Be Alert To Early Signs Of Wheezing:

It is obvious that the baby may display some early signs of wheezing such as rapid breathing and breathlessness. So be careful of these symptoms and get prepare of it.

When To Worry About Wheezing In Babies?

Some symptoms cannot wait to be it is wise to consult a doctor, under such situation-

  • The baby is having difficulty in breathing
  • When the baby breathing becomes rapid or irregular
  • breathing is noisy and when they are not crying
  • The skin turns blue or they become very pale
  • The baby seem unusually tired
  • Have a temperature over 37°C
  • The baby refuses food or drink
  • Chocking
  • rattling in the chest
  • Dehydration
  • Extreme fits of coughing

Wheezing is common in babies especially during winter. It is not a matter of worry but still when it is more you can refer to a doctor. Hope this article has given you a good number of information about ways to get rid of wheezing in babies.