Baby Skin Fungal Infection; Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies


Is your baby often prone to infection? Do any part of the baby body skin scaly? Does the baby scratch their skin violently? If you are figure outing the situation then read on this article.

Fungal infection can occur at any time in case of a baby and it is a common phenomenon. It is not a matter of worry as it can be treated. As the baby’s skin is sensitive so they catch up with a lot of varieties of fungal infection.

Well in this article you will have fair share information and knowledge about what is all about baby skin fungal infection and its cause behind it. You will also cover the ways to get rid of baby skin fungal infection. So just scroll down the article and find out the answer below.

What Is Baby Skin Fungal Infection?


As I said above that Fungal infection can occur at any time in case of a baby and it is a common phenomenon. It is not a matter of worry as it can be treated. As the baby’s skin is sensitive so they catch up with a lot of varieties of fungal infection.

It can occur in any part of the body. The fungi are microorganisms characterized by a substance in their cell walls called chitin. The different type of fungi can cause different fungal infection. This is more of a small parasite.

In certain cases, the fungi are founded on or inside the body that can colonize and leads to infection. Moreover, fungal infection can be contagious. It is easily transferred from one individual to another. As per the research and studies, it is said that catch diseases causing the infected animals or contaminated soil or surfaces. Normally one of the common fungal infection is tinea. There is certain fungal infection that occurs in children are scalp ringworm, body ringworm, nail fungal infection, athlete’s foot.

[Read: Skin Allergies In Babies]

What Causes Fungal Skin Infection In Babies?

What Causes Fungal Skin

Well as per the studies the fungal infection (R) on baby skin occurs due to when the fungi attack the external layer of the skin on body or scalp. This overall happen due to expose to more moist, sweaty, warm, and unclean skin.

It is also said that the baby gets the fungal infection when they come across an infected individual or pet. The baby also get infected due to clothing, combs, toys, and other household objects like carpets.

In certain case, it can even present in the soil, warm, and unclean skin support for the growth of the fungi. Fungal skin infections in babies occur when fungi attack the outermost layer of their skin on the body or scalp of the baby. Excess sweating in babies only aggravates the infection that leads to baby skin fungal infection.

Symptoms Of Baby Fungal Infection On Skin:


Here are some of the signs and symptoms that you will get to observed with a baby fungal skin infection. Such as-

  • skin patches with red outlines.
  • Scaling of the feet
  • Itchy, burning and irritated skin.
  • Pain in groin area
  • Flaking, peeling, or cracking skin
  • Affected skin is infected and oozes with pus.
  • Extreme hair loss.
  • Short and broken hair.
  • Change in nail colour
  • Pimples like bumps
  • Swelling and pain
  • Rashes and pus
  • Black spots on scalp.
  • Scaly patches on head.
  • White or yellow discharge from vagina
  • Redness in external area of vagina
  • Thick and discolored nails.
  • Cracks in feet.
  • Sores occurs in children

Home Remedies For Baby Skin Fungal Infection :


There are ample of ways that you can take care of in order to get rid of baby skin fungal infection. Some of them are as follows-

1. Coconut Oil For Skin Fungal Infection:


As per the research coconut oil is one of the effective remedies for the baby with mild to moderate skin infection. (R) Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids which helps to kill the fungal cells by damaging their cell membranes. It has microbial and antifungal properties that can help treat fungal infections.

All You Need:

  1. 1-2 teaspoons of organic coconut oil

What To Do

  1. Apply coconut oil to the affected area of the skin.
  2. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes
  3. Rinse it off in normal water.
  4. You may also leave it on and allow it to dry on its own.

How Often:

  1. Do it 2-3 times a day.

2. Garlic For Skin Fungal Infection:


Garlic is regarded as one of the best and easiest home remedies for the baby skin fungal infection. It is a proven remedy for fungi, including Candida, Torulopsis, Trichophyton, and Cryptococcus, etc. You can try garlic first in the affected skin area.

All You Need:

  1. 2-3 garlic cloves
  2. 2-3 teaspoons of organic coconut oil

What To Do:

  1. Finely chopped two to three garlic cloves.
  2. Add the chopped garlic to a few teaspoons of organic coconut oil.
  3. Then heat the mixture over low flame for about 4-5 minutes.
  4. Make the mixture to cool and then strain the oil.
  5. Apply the oil to the affected area of the skin.
  6. Leave it on for at least 30-40 minutes
  7. Then rinse it off.

How Often:

  1. Do it once in a day.

3.Apple Cinder Vinegar For Skin Fungal Infection:


Apple cider vinegar is rich in anti fungal properties in it. It helps to get rid of baby skin fungal infection. It has a positive effect on regulating the yeast growth by neutralizing the pH. As per the research in the Journal of Prosthodontics (R) founded that apple cider vinegar as to be effective against Candida.

All You Need:

  1. 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  2. 1/2 cup of water
  3. Cotton balls

What To Do:

  1. Take a 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar to half a cup of water.
  2. Mix it well and
  3. Take a cotton ball and dip into the solution.
  4. Apply the mixture to the affected area.
  5. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes
  6. Then you can rinse it off with plain water.

How Often:

  1. Do it 2-3 times a day.

4. Turmeric For Skin Fungal Infection:


Turmeric is regard as one of the best Indian spices that works great for skin infection. Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. The presence of curcumin is believed to have anti-microbial properties as per the research and studies.

All You Need:

  1. Turmeric
  2. Water
  3. Few drops of coconut water.

What To Do:

  1. Take 2 tsp of turmeric in a bowl.
  2. Add few drops of water or coconut oil
  3. Mix it well and make it a paste.
  4. Apply to the affected area
  5. Leave it for 15-20 mins.
  6. Then rise it off with normal water.

5. Neem Leaf For Skin Fungal Infection:


Neem has numerous benefits for health and skin. It helps in killing all the bacteria and infection that occurs in skin fungal infection. Neem leaves are rich in polyphenolic flavonoids which has a good amount of anti fungal properties. Neem is capable of removing the pathogens and dermophytes from your skin.

All You Need:

  1. A handful of neem leaves
  2. Water
  3. Cotton Ball

What To Do:

  1. Take a handful of neem leaves and put them in a bowl with water.
  2. Bring the leaves to a boil for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool and then strain the water.
  4. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.
  5. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and
  6. Rinse it off with normal water.

How Often:

  1. Do it multiple times in a day

6. Oregano Oil For Skin Fungal Infection:


Oregano oil contains thymol and carvacrol which plays a significant role in stopping the growth of fungus. This is made of wild oregano. This oil is regarded as the best home remedy for the baby’s skin fungal infection.

All You Need:

  1. Oregano oil
  2. Some Castor oil
  3. Cotton ball

What To Do:

  1. Take few drops of oregano oil
  2. Mix it with castor oil
  3. Dip a cotton ball in it
  4. Apply it to the affected area
  5. Leave it for 15-20 mins
  6. Then rinse it off.

How Often:

  1. Do it 3-4 times in a day.

7. Tea Tree Oil For Skin Fungal Infection:


Tea tree oil has a significant rich in antibacterial and anti fungal properties (R). This is most commonly used method of remedy that is used to treat the fungal infection. It helps to detoxify the infected area and reduces inflammation.

All You Need:

  1. 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil
  2. 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

What To Do

  1. Take 2-3 tsp of tea tree oil in a bowl.
  2. Add tablespoon of coconut oil in it.
  3. Mix well and
  4. With the help of cotton ball apply it to the affected area of the skin.
  5. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and
  6. Then rinse it off with water.

How Often:

  1. Do this once in a day.

8. Lemon Grass Oil For Skin Fungal Infection:


Here is another major effective essential oil that works great for the baby fungal skin infection. As per the studies (R) it has significant effects to reduce the activity of several types of fungus.

All You Need:

  1. Lemongrass oil
  2. Some Castor oil
  3. Cotton ball

What To Do:

  1. Take a few drops of Lemongrass oil
  2. Mix it with castor oil
  3. Dip a cotton ball in it
  4. Apply it to the affected area
  5. Leave it for 15-20 mins
  6. Then rinse it off with normal water

How Often:

  1. Apply twice a day.

9. Powdered licorice For Skin Fungal Infection:


This is regarded as a traditional Chinese remedy that is used for treating the baby’s skin fungal infection. It is a powerhouse of antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. This property helps them to fight the infection and bacteria.

All You Need:

  1. Powder Licorice root
  2. Water

What To Do:

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of powdered licorice root into a cup of water.
  2. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes.
  3. Then reduce the heat and make the liquid cool.
  4. Make sure it form a paste.
  5. Apply to the affected area of the skin
  6. Leave it for 15-20 mins
  7. Then rinse it off.

How Often:

  1. Apply it once or twice in a day.

10. Grape Seed Extract For Skin Fungal Infection:


There are a lot of evidence and studies that grapefruit seeds extracts helps a lot in treating the fungal infection.

All You Need:

  1. Grape seed extract
  2. Water

What To Do:

  1. Take 1 drop of grape seed extract with some water.
  2. Mix it well
  3. Apply to the affected area
  4. Leave it for 15-20 mins
  5. Then rinse it off with normal water.

How Often:

  1. Do it twice in a day.

11. Aloe Vera For Skin Fungal Infection:


As per the research (R) aloe vera contains six antiseptic agents. It is rich in antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties which helps to fight and kill the bacteria and infection.

All You Need:

  1. Freshly extracted aloe leave or gel

What To Do

  1. Take some freshly extracted aloe leaves
  2. Extract the gel out of the leaves
  3. Mix it a bit of water and
  4. Then apply it to the affected area.
  5. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and
  6. Then rinse it off with normal water.

How Often:

  1. Do this once daily.

12. Cranberry Juice For Skin Fungal Infection:


Cranberry juice is one of the unique and effective natural remedies that work great for skin fungal infection. It is rich in fungistatic. cranberry juice is effective against eight species of dermatophytes as per the studies at the journal Applied Microbiology (R)

All You Need:

  1. Cranberry Juice

What To Do:

  1. Drink the cranberry juice.

How Often:

  1. Drink the juice multiple times in a day.

13. Baking Soda For Skin Fungal Infection:


Baking soda is one of the effective and easiest ways to get rid of baby skin fungal infection. This is rich in anti fungal properties.

All You Need:

  1. 1/2 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  2. Water

What To Do

  1. Take half a cup of baking soda to a bucket filled with water.
  2. Allow the baking soda to dissolve completely.
  3. Soak your feet for about 20-30 minutes.
  4. Then rise it off with normal water.


  1. you can soak a clean washcloth in the solution and apply it to the affected areas.

How Often:

  1. Do this 1-2 times a day.

14. Epsom Salt Bath For Skin Fungal Infection:


Epsom salt is regarded as the best remedy for the skin fungal is rich in magnesium. This helps to reduce the infection due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties. it helps a lot to kill the infection and bacteria.

All You Need:

  1. 1 cup of Epsom salt
  2. Water

What To Do

  1. Take a cup of Epsom salt to a tub filled with water.
  2. Allow it to dissolve completely and
  3. Take a bath for 15-20 minute

How Often:

  1. Do this in every alternative day.

15. Guava Leaves For Skin Fungal Infection:


Guava leaves help a lot in decreasing the fungal growth in the affected skin area. It is rich in anti fungal properties that help to fight the infection and bacteria.

All You Need:

  1. A handful of guava leaves
  2. Water

What To Do

  1. Take a handful of guava leaves boil in 1 glass of water.
  2. Allow it to boil for 10-15minutes.
  3. Then cool the mixture and strain it.
  4. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and
  5. Apply to the affected areas.


  1. you can take a bath in that water.

How Often:

  1. Do it once in a day.

16. Ginger For Skin Fungal Infection:


Ginger work s an excellent source of natural remedies that helps to get rid of baby skin fungal infection. Ginger is rich in anti fungal and fungistatic properties that help to fight the germs and bacteria.

All You Need:

  1. 1-2 inches of sliced ginger
  2. A cup of water
  3. Cotton balls

What To Do

  1. Take some slice of ginger and add to 1 cup of water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil for about 5-10 mins.
  3. Then allow the mixture to cool
  4. With the help of a cotton ball apply to the affected areas of the skin.
  5. Leave it for 10-15 mins
  6. Then rinse it off with plain water.

17. Soapy Water For Skin Fungal Infection:


Soapy water is another easy and best natural remedies than any other home remedies. It helps a lot to get rid of the baby’s skin fungal infection. This helps to stop spreading the infection in the affected area of the skin.

This also helps to keep the skin clean as possible as it can. Make sure you rise the affected areas with soap and warm water once or twice daily. Before applying a small amount to a healthy area of skin make sure you ensure they do not have a sensitivity or allergy. This is a very major step to take care of.

How To Prevent Fungal Infection In Babies:

There are certain tips that you need to carry in order to prevent fungal infection in babies. Such as-

  • Make sure you keep your baby from infected individuals and pets as fungal infection is contagious.
  • Don’t share the personal items of your baby like combs, clothes, and other items, with anyone.
  • Do maintain a good hygienic principle for your baby and also keep your baby clean and fresh.
  • Don’t overdress your baby and make sure they wear a bit loose and comfortable clothes.
  • Make the baby wear flip flops when she goes to a pool area or other sharing places

Baby skin is too sensitive and delicate. So we have to take care of themselves in a very hygienic and clean way. The baby should also look fresh. I hope this article has given you good information about the home remedies that will help you to get rid of baby skin fungal infection.