Baby Proofing Ideas for Your Home

Baby proofing ideas for your home

Having a baby is all about responsibility and fun. As parents, it must be our most important duty to give them a happy, healthy and safe childhood. Even a 2-month-old infant needs baby proofing ideas to keep her secure and happy. Rolling over is the first big milestone our infants achieve at around 1-3 months. And the baby proofing bandwagon begins along. Everything from baby bath time to nursery, diapering to feeding and the play time must be secured and child proofed

Baby Proofing Tips for Your Home:

Let us all learn the major points in every important activity of an infant, and how can we ensure a safe and secure baby. From baby’s bath time to the time she goes off to sleep, every place in the home should be child proofed and not depriving her of the freedom to move around. Some tips for baby proofing your home include:

1. Bath time safety:

Bath time safety

The bath time of your baby is a very important part of ensuring safety. Even a small mistake can lead to some serious hazards for your little one. Some bath time child proofing essentials include:

Use non-slip mats for the bath tub and around, even parents need to be safe to keep the infant in their arms safe

Check the temperature of water by putting some on your hands and only then use it for bathing your kids

Keep all the cleaning items away from the reach of your kid

Use age-appropriate bath tub to keep the baby safe and secure

Never leave the bay alone in bath tube even for a single minute. As less than a minute of drowning in water is sufficient enough to cause the damage.

Keep the bath toys and wash cloth sanitized and disinfected all the time

2. Nursery safety:

Nursery safety

The nursery must meet all the standards of US government dept of state. The crib must be meeting all parameters under legal boundaries. Some more childproofing checklist items for baby nursery

Pick a crib with slats not more than 2-3 inches apart.

Avoid putting blankets, stuff toys and pillows as they may cause a choking hazard or even suffocation too

Keep the baby monitor away from the reach of the child

Keep the toys in an open toy box else the lid may hurt the child

Keep all the electronic plugs covered

3- Kitchen safety:

Kitchen safety

The toddlers may find kitchen as the most interesting place in the house. And continue their exploration ordeal all the time. So it is advised to baby proof the kitchen even before baby starts crawling. Some more tips include:

Keep the sharp edged tools like knife, scissors etc away from the reach of kids

Pick a dry chemical extinguisher and set it up in your kitchen for the uncertain fire hazards

Keep the stove knobs locked

Never let the baby come in when the oven is on or hot

Pet kibbles must never be given in front of kids, and never must they have access to these otherwise they will end up in our child’s mouth.

Keep all the cabinets under kitchen slab and sink locked. There are some wonderful locking systems available for child proofing your home

4- Living room safety:

Living room safety

Living room is a place where most of the family time is spent along with kids. Some safety tips for the living room include:

Use cordless shades for blinds to keep them safe

Cushion edges with edge guard or bumpers. Window and furniture’s have very sharp corners and edges which needs to be secured well.

Wall mount all furniture and fix the stands, we don’t want them falling around even at a push from the child

Put TV’s behind closed doors or wall mount them

Stair guard is the most handy item for your home. And must utilized one too

Baby proofing checklist:

While there are ample items available which cans secure your entire home be sure to check for more on these, as every home has a different set of items needed. Some of the most widely used items for baby proofing include:

1- Electrical socket covers:

Electrical socket covers

Babies, when begin crawling their first important discovery, leads them to electrical sockets. You need to get them covered, there are different kinds of electrical socket covers available which are great to prevent your kids from putting their fingers in electrical sockets

2- Edge guard and corner guards:

Edge guard and corner guards

The edges of furniture, window pane and kitchen slabs are all too dangerous for kids still learning to balance their body. Get them covered with specific edge guards and corner guards. There are all shapes and sizes in different colors available which will help in keeping the little heads secure and safe

3- Door slam protectors:

Door slam protectors

The little fingers can get hurt if the door is slammed on them. So get these very cute door slam protectors which prevent the door from closing fully

4- Safety gates:

Safety gates

Get these safety gates and install them around the entry for stairs, attic, patio and other areas like the kitchen where you wish to restrict the entry of toddlers. These safety gates can fit in most of the areas and can be easily fastened without any tools or holes in the walls.

5- Fridge protector knob:

Fridge protector knob

The kids are so busy exploring everywhere that they constantly search for newer avenues Refrigerator is one such item which inspires them a lot. Keep these refrigerators locked and prevent the kid from opening and banging them again and again.

Some more on baby proofing ideas:

  1. Keep all the toxic and poisonous cleaning supplies out of reach from kids
  2. Stop using disinfectant or antibacterial for floors or furniture’s as toddlers crawl around and put their hands in the mouth too
  3. Keep indoor plants away from the reach of children
  4. Keep the bathrooms locked at all times, when not in use
  5. Keep a special check on utility and trash areas
  6. Don’t leave anything hot or brittle on the table which can be easily conquered by your kids
  7. Keep all the items like an ironing board, shoe rack, shelving units, dustbins and more in one separate room which stays shut most times.

The above compilation on Baby proofing ideas for your home is to help new parents to keep their home a safe and healthy space for their little ones. Every child needs the freedom to move around and explore, so keeping areas at home secure help in more enrichment and stimulation for the child.

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