Anger During Pregnancy: 15 Tips On How To Deal With Anger


Do you get angry during pregnancy? Is it normal to get angry during pregnancy? Does it have certain consequences on the pregnancy? Is it a frustrating period? Well, I can understand all these questions must be going on your mind.

Anger during pregnancy is absolutely normal. It is very common to feel frustrated during the entire phase of pregnancy. But, the long term anger might lead the depression.

Well, in this article, we will focus on the causes of anger during pregnancy and the ways to control anger during pregnancy. Scroll down the article and find out the tips on how to deal with the same.

What Causes Anger During Pregnancy?


There are certain reasons behind the uncontrollable anger during pregnancy. Some of the causes are as follows-

1. Hormonal Changes:

One of the reasons behind anger during pregnancy is because of the induction of fluctuating pregnancy hormones. This is the primary reason that triggers mood swings, ultra-sensitivity, strong and intense feelings. It is said that the anger surges and can trace to making you upset as well.

2. Anxiety:

This is yet another one of the common reasons that lead to anger during pregnancy. This is due to stress during pregnancy. It can be due to a number of other reasons such as physical distress, insufficient rest, lack of sleep, unsupportive spouses, an overload of work, etc.

3. Stress:

Stress is another reason behind anger during the time of pregnancy, no matter whether it is during pregnancy or normal. The anxiety may often become overwhelming and the anger might develop as a potential response.

4. Discomfort:

Certain discomfort can lead to anger during pregnancy. This is also unavoidable as this happens due to the physical alteration during the phase of pregnancy that further leads to anger during pregnancy. Pregnancy normally leads to nausea, sickness or fatigue. The discomfort leads to irritability and that leads to angry in pregnant women.

5. Fear:

Fear is another major cause behind anger during pregnancy. The concern for the pain, delivery, health of the baby, illness, etc. This leads to creating fear that results in anger during pregnancy.

It is observed that the fears can lead to making you feel overwhelmed which results in making you angry.

6. Tiredness:

Tiredness is probably one of the causes behind anger during pregnancy. It happens because as the baby grows, it requires more nourishment for the body, thus making the mother feel tired. The expanding belly and the frequent urination during pregnancy make you tired.

What Is The Effects Of Anger During Pregnancy?

Effects Of Anger During Pregnancy

There can be very serious effects of anger during pregnancy as per many studies. (R) It can lead to-

  • Low birth weight
  • Premature delivery
  • Unfavorable effect on baby’s temperament
  • Higher chances of a child being hyperactive
  • Restricted cognitive abilities

It is also found that stress can affect the baby’s disposition. The kids whose mothers undergo high stress, especially in their first trimester are known to manifest signs of irritability and depression as per the studies.

It is also said the higher level of anger also leads to having a hyperactive child.

How To Control Anger During Pregnancy?


Here are various ways to deal with anger during pregnancy. Some of the tips on how to deal with anger are-

1. Healthy Diets:

Diets play the most important role for the mother and the baby.

It is really an important part of our life for a healthy living whether you are pregnant or not.

As per the studies, there is a direct relationship between a healthy diet and extreme anger during pregnancy.

A balanced diet with a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, green leafy veggies, fruits helps to keep up the energy levels up and helps keep fatigued away.

2. Normal Exercise:

Any form of exercise is absolutely Ok to follow during pregnancy. It can be a mild exercise or routine walk. A healthy weight always leads to a healthy mind and will definitely help in getting rid of anger during pregnancy.

It really works great to keep yourself in a positive and happy mindset.

3. Make Time For Fun:

This really works great to get rid of anger during pregnancy. You should always do some things that will help to take your mind off your pregnancy changes with respect to mental and physical well being. Just get into your hobbies or the activities you like the most.

For this, you can have some personal time for you and do whatever you like to do.

4. Try Yoga Or Medication:

Yoga and meditation help to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of well-being. We all know the importance of yoga and meditation in one’s healthy life.

There are many yoga exercises that you can do while you are pregnant and that will keep your mind and body healthy.

Talk to the yoga instructor before you opt for any form of yoga during pregnancy. According to a study, yoga and meditation practices during pregnancy can help reduce the symptoms of depression and help in reducing your anger. (R) Try to do deep breathing yoga exercises in order to release the stress and keep yourself calm.

5. Massage:

Massage always gives you relaxation, especially when you are pregnant. This helps to get rid of all the pain or stress and makes you relaxed.

You can go for a spa treatment to relieve the aching muscles and keep your mind in the right track.

6. Adequate Rest:

Another best way to overcome anger during pregnancy is getting or taking plenty of rest. It is said that it is harder to manage the moods and anger if you’re tired, especially when it comes round to pregnancy.

The more you rest, the more you are free from anger during pregnancy. So, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep during pregnancy. It can even be a short nap.

Especially a proper night’s sleep is very much important in order to ease anger during pregnancy.

7. Prioritize Work:

It most often happens in today’s world that with the development of pregnancy over the course of time, you get extreme anger during pregnancy. Sometimes, it is difficult to manage work, household work, etc.

It becomes physically and emotionally difficult to handle. So, in order to maintain this on right track, you have to prioritize your time efficiently and take care of yourself during this period.

8. Make Yourself Priority:

At this time frame, health and fun are too much important for you and your baby. It is all directly related to the uncontrollable anger during pregnancy. So it is very important to take care of physical health and physiological comfort at this point in time.

For this, you can also have healthy communication with your partner, discuss your work, wear a comfortable dress, etc.

9. Professional Help:

It is very essential to talk to a professional or a counselor when you can’t control the anger during pregnancy. It is also very important to guarantee physical health in addition to emotional and psychological wellness.

10. Remove Conflict And Stress:

There more you try to avoid yourself from conflicting and stressful events, it will help in easing the anger during pregnancy. Try to identify the conflict inducing incidents and choose a different approach to handle it.

If you are upset, then try to avoid it for your own mental health. Focus on other activities to divert your mind such as walking, reading, exercising, etc.

11. Change The Way You Think:

It all depends upon the ways you think and the ways you look into the perspective of things. When you are angry, you can speak nonsense which is not even relevant to the topic. So, be careful as it can cause a ripple in your relationships.

12. Plan Your Day:

Planning a day will keep all the things on the right track. This will helps set a routine and keep the progress of the day in check. Keeping yourself busy also helps to make your day better and is considered one of the best ways to deal with anger during pregnancy.

13. Stop Worrying:

Another one of the biggest reasons behind uncontrollable anger in pregnancy is an extreme worry. It is said that the more you worry, the more you agitated you become.

This, as a result, leads to a significant impact on your emotional responses to those around you. So, in order to get rid of anger during pregnancy, make sure you stop worrying. Try to be more on the bounty of joy that is on its way to your life.

14. Talk About Your Feelings Honestly:

Communication plays an important role in everyone’s lives. When you are in an angry mood, it is important that you communicate to avoid making gaps in the relationship.

Always try to explain what bothers you and what makes you angry. Once you become calm, share your feelings and difficulties honestly. Make sure of one thing that your partner should be patient enough through months of pregnancy.

15. Let Yourself Cry:

I know you must be thinking of how crying can be one of the tips on how to deal with anger during pregnancy. But trust me it works wonders to ease anger during the hard time of your life as a woman. Crying is not a sign of weakness. Moreover, it is regarded as a natural way to process and cope with the stress of strong emotions in the body.

Crying or tears can bring healing and bring a powerful emotional release out of the mind and body. So don’t hold it, whenever you feel angry, just cry it out.

Anger during pregnancy is absolutely normal. It is very common to feel frustrated during the phase of pregnancy. I hope this article has given you insights on the various ways to deal with uncontrollable anger during pregnancy. So, just follow it when you get angry during pregnancy.