Easy Healthy After-School Snack Ideas For Kids


Kids love coming home to have tasty snacks prepared ready for them. Your kitchen could have stock of packaged snacks ready to eat but are those healthy enough for your kid? We understand that not every parent can be home to cook snack ready for their kids either. Which is why we have these brilliant quick ideas you can make ahead and have them ready at any time for your kid’s after school snacks.

Take a dive into the preparation of yummy snacks for your kids:

1. Frozen Strawberry Chocolate

Snack for after-school as yummy as this? Any kid would love it.

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Strawberry
  • Compound Chocolate
  • Topping of your choice (nuts or sprinklers)

Direction to prepare:

  • Wash the strawberries and remove the leaf and stem bit off.
  • Melt the compound chocolate to form a sauce consistency.
  • Using a toothpick, dip the strawberry into the chocolate sauce.
  • Dip the same into the sprinklers bowl or any toppings.
  • Place it on a tray with a baking sheet on the base one after the other.
  • Freeze this for about 15-20 minutes before serving.

2. Frozen Yogurt Grapes

An easy healthy cold snack for your kid will make them crave for more

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Grapes
  • Yogurt
  • Any topping (could be nuts, coconut scrapes, etc.)

Direction to prepare:

  • Freeze the grapes after rinsing them clean for 2 hours
  • Using a toothpick, dip these grapes in yogurt. Let it completely cover the grapes surface
  • Add the topping by dipping it such that it sticks onto the grape yogurt surface.
  • Place it on a tray with a baking sheet on base one after the other.
  • Allow it to freeze for a few minutes and serve.

3. Roasted chickpea

Kids are usually hungry after school what better than a bowl of protein for them?

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Chickpeas or Garbanzo beans
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Olive oil
  • Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • Salt

Direction to prepare:

  • Rinse the chickpea clean and cook it well.
  • Spread the chickpea in the aluminum foil and dry them with a towel. (If you need them crunchy, dry them out well enough. Drier the crunchier is how it goes)
  • Drizzle some olive oil with Parmesan (if you like) and salt to taste.
  • Push it into the oven when dry, Cook for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.

4. Cucumber cheese sandwich

Image Source: pinterest.com

Eating another sandwich after coming back home could be boring because they just ate it for lunch. Let’s make it a little different and healthier for them to eat.


  • Cumbers slices
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Slices of tomato
  • Circles of toasted bread
  • Slices of meat (if required)

Direction to prepare:

  • Take the cucumber slices and spread cheese on one surface.
  • Add meat slice and toasted bread slice in between the cucumbers along with tomato slices.
  • Prick the cucumbers with a toothpick to keep them together. Serve with a cheese or yogurt dipping.

5.Frozen banana bites

Who doesn’t love chocolates and bananas? How about a combination of both for amazing pops?

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Ripe banana
  • Compound chocolate
  • Sprinklers/ topping (optional)

Direction to prepare:

  • Peel and slice the ripe banana into round circles of half inch thickness
  • Melt the chocolate into a sauce consistency
  • Dip the banana into the chocolate sauce
  • Add sprinkles if you like
  • Place it on the baking sheet on a tray and freeze for 20 minutes.

6. Avocado dips with Nachos

Let your kid get the best of the avocado by combining it with Nachos.

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Avocado
  • Lime juice
  • Salsa
  • Cream

Direction to prepare:

  • Slice the avocado, scoop out the flesh and blend it together.
  • Whip it up with some cream added and lime juice with some salsa.
  • Serve with nachos

7. Hummus with salad snacks

Image Source: pinterest.com

Another healthy snack on the way for your kid


  • Chickpea
  • Tahini
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Salad

Direction to prepare:

  • Make a paste out of tahini and garlic cloves.
  • Grind chickpea along and mix the above paste to it.
  • Add olive oil for consistency and beat it.
  • Cut some salad and serve with it.

8. Mini fruit pizza on a bread

Ever imagined, pizza could be amazingly healthy and tasty? Let’s take a look at the simplest ever recipe.

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Fruits + berries
  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Lemon/ orange juice
  • Honey
  • Tortillas/ bread
  • Vanilla extract

Direction to prepare:

  • Cut miniature shapes (circle) from the tortilla or the bread – choice is yours.
  • Make the frosting with the plain yogurt, mix honey and 2 drops of vanilla extract. Add some lemon or orange juice.
  • Whip the cream.
  • Spread it on the mini pizza and lastly decorate your combination of fruits on the top.

9. Pretzel with fruit dipping

Where there are kids, there will be pretzels.

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Berries
  • Sugar/ honey

Direction to prepare:

  • Blend the berries together to make a smoothie texture.
  • Add sugar/ honey as per taste
  • Whip the Greek yogurt with the berries paste and the dip is ready
  • Enjoy pretzels or home-baked cookies with fruit dipping.

10. Devil’s own deviled egg

Let’s make some delicious devils for your kid to rejoice.

Image Source: pinterest.com


  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Onions + bell peppers

Direction to prepare:

  • Boil the eggs
  • Peel the eggshell, and cut it into halves.
  • Remove the yellow from each half into a bowl.
  • Add some cheese spread and salt and pepper; mix.
  • Fill the paste back into each egg half
  • Decorate it on top with chopped onions and bell peppers