Know The Facts About Advantages And Disadvantages Of Single Parenting

Single Parenting

In today’s world, it is so common to have a single mom or dad. Owing to the increased divorce rates around, the rate of single parenting is on the rice as well.

Single parenting is described as an absence of anyone parent. In this particular situation, the kids have to live in the environment of the conflict which is being created by their parents. The parents don’t have an ideal environment to raise the children. (R)

Well, as everything, even single parenting does have certain pros and cons on a child’s life. So, in this article, we will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of single parenting and how to make single parenting easier.

Advantages Of Single Parenting:

Advantages Of Single Parenting

There are some advantages behind single parenting, which include:

  • In single parenting, you are the ruler as you set and enforce the rule for your kids. This, as a result, brings consistency and security.
  • One of the best advantages of single parenting is that you stay away from argument and fights (R) with your spouse. This helps a lot in giving a less stressful environment to kids. They do feel secure also.
  • In single parenting, all the time of yours is dedicated to your kids. You don’t have to schedule your time with your spouse. You can do own stuff.
  • Relationship takes a lot of time, efforts and attention. In single parenting, you get to interact one on one with the kids so much more because your attention is not divided by romance. The main focus is on raising the kids, keeping a solid home and doing well at work.
  • The major advantage of single parenting is that you have control over your finance fully. You needn’t have the additional person depending on you. You don’t have to discuss any of the financial decisions with someone else. This really helps a lot in saving money.
  • In single parenting, you can organize the day plan as per your wish. You do not need to depend on any one’s decisions. It is you who has to plan the day’s schedule for your kids that will help them grow up in a disciplined environment.
  • In single parenting, you can be a good role model for your kids. It is easier to understand that life can be managed without a partner and there is no specific reason to be in a relationship for fear. (R)
  • Single parenting always teaches independence and responsibility to kids earlier than other children under the guidance of both parents. Mostly, children do things by themselves. They develop a good work ethic and improve self-esteem and self-worth.
  • In single parenting, the expectations are clear as there is no one to contradict and it is easier to understand the expectations.
  • Children learn a shared responsibility for the life of the family in single parenting. The children from single-parent families are usually closer to the family than those from a traditional family environment.

Disadvantages Of Single Parenting:

Disadvantages Of Single Parenting

Single parenting has some drawbacks too. The disadvantages of being a single parent are as follows-

  • There is no back up when the kids feel sick or unwell. In this case, you get used to napping when the kids nap.
  • Sometimes you have to be the strong figure even during crisis as all the pressure is on your single shoulder. You have to take care of the expenses fully of your kids alone and give them the best of life.
  • Children may need to adjust to changes in time management in case of single parenting. Parents will be busy in filling the roles of two parents. In general, each and everyone’s schedules will be affected by this way of life.
  • The single parent may find it difficult to spend quality time alone with each child.
  • In single parenting, a child has decreased motivation. This is due to high rates of absenteeism, low test scores, and high dropout rates.
  • In the majority of cases, the kids feel so depressed and upset about the environment they face that they blame their parents for problems in their relationship.
  • Children may feel they have lost a protector or a guide. This sense of loss could lead to high rates of anxiety and aggression and children using their upset feelings to manipulate the parents.
  • Children with single parents often find difficulty in building up strong relationships in their life. This is because they have issues with trusting people easily.
  • The kids in single parenting feel difficulty in bonding with the potential partner of single parents. They have a problem in accepting a new relationship.
  • The single parent goes through the trauma of separation. The children go through the emotional trauma of being separated from the other parent.

How To Make Single Parenting Easier?

Make Single Parenting Easier

There are many ways that work great with respect to making single parenting easier and stress free. Some of the tips are as follows-

  • Make sure you don’t feel guilty or blame yourselves because of being a single parent
  • Show love to your child. It is very important to give your child unconditional love and support. Spend as much as time as you can with your child by playing, reading or simply sit with them.
  • Set limits and expect the children to follow it.
  • You have to take out time for yourself. This will include physical activity, healthy diet and get plenty of good sleep.
  • It is always important to stay positive so that you can handle situations in a appropriate right way.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Call your loved ones, friends and neighbors for help when you need it.
  • You should find mentors to whom you can trust as the kids need to develop connection with older adults too.
  • Always try to maintain a strong relationship between you and your child. It should be one of the biggest influences on their behaviour and influence.
  • It is very important to build a support system around you and your children. It helps a lot in giving a positive environment in raising kids.
  • If you feel alone and overwhelmed, reach out to other single parents as you can team up with them to help each other out

Single parenting is a proud moment in today’s society. Initially, it will be difficult full of ups and downs, but gradually it gets better. I hope this article has helped you out to figure out what are the pros and cons of single parenting and how to fight it.