A good way to keep your kid happy and entertained while camping is to have enough camping activities for kids. There are plenty of fun camping ideas for toddlers who could not only curb the boredom but they can also learn from it.
Getting away from the hustle-bustle of life, and enjoying some fresh air with friends and family is a perfect getaway to rejuvenate. The best part about camping is to go out and explore nature. To make a camping trip memorable and fun, here are few kid camping activities to do.
Great Camping Activities for Kids:
1. Scavenger Hunt with nature:

This camping kids activity makes hike more fun as kids want to see who could first spot certain items in nature. Since this activity involves a picture, the younger kids can also enjoy. All you need to do is to print out the nature scavenger hunt with the pictures of birds, bugs, and animals that the kids would have to look for in the woods. Well, it is obvious that different parts of the country would have different animals and various other vegetations to spot. Hence, pick and choose the hunting elements accordingly. You can also provide the kids with some nature exploring kids like binocular or magnifying glasses, torch, bug jar, etc., to make it more fun. This is the best kid camping activity that makes kids want to look around more and explore their surroundings. Kids of all age can play.
2. Camping Olympics:
Sounds fun, right? Indeed. One of the fun things to do with kids camping is to set up Camping Olympics. Camping Olympics could include a set of came outdoor games like sack racing, tug of war, etc. The best part about having an event like this would be to involve kids of all age and alter the games accordingly. You can tailor the plan of Camping Olympics to fit in the level of competition that you might desire. Although, you must plan ahead to have the required supplies for such games and most importantly the prices for kids. You can always divide the kids into teams if you have a large number of participation.
3. The Glowing Ring Toss:

Kids love the glow stick, don’t they? Using some smaller bracelet- sized sticks, and large glowing stick, you can create amazing, fun ring toss games for some excellent nighttime fun activity. You can change the level of challenges for this game with the help of using more number of glow sticks at different distances that have to be numbered and valued for ringing it. This makes a great camping activity for kids to do at night time.
4. Astronomy Activities:

Certainly, there are ways for kids to learn about the night sky at camping. An excellent way for introducing your kids to astronomy at camps and inducing a fascination for space. Take the kids outside after it is dark and ask them to observe the sky and stars. Ask the children what they saw. You can also make it a schedule to see every day how the sky changes. Kids are highly curious to know about the sky above us which is full of amazing things. You might tell them to notice the moon getting smaller or bigger each day and explain the phenomena.
Teach the kids about astronomy and have a great time exploring space together. You can have various activities over the daytime on the basis of the night watching every day. Have some craft material ready with you such as toothpicks, pencils or crayons, black construction papers, marshmallows, constellation diagrams and moon chart. Have your kids to make a replica of any of the constellation using the provided craft material. Explain about the moon and stars to the kids and help them expand their knowledge with the help of such great camping activities for kids.
5. I Spy:
An always fun game to play at a campsite is I spy. Camping with kids ideas needs to be one with an engaging activity like this to involve kids of all age groups. Each player playing this game gives a clue about the item they have chosen with their eyesight, for instance, “I spy with my little eyes, something green.” The one who guesses it correctly wins that round. This game goes on for hours with having kids looking around exploring things about nature and surrounding. One of the best camping kid activities to do which keeps them busy.
6. Fire Tender:
Things to do at camping can never be boring with such excellent games to play. One of the kids sits blindfolded with a number of sticks around him. The other kids try to creep up and steal a stick from around the first kid and return safely. In case the blindfold kid hears someone stealing the stick, would have to point out the direction in which they hear it. If the kid is correct, the one caught takes the turn to sit blindfolded for the next round. This is an amazing camping game to play with kids that helps them to increase their concentration power along with the fun they are having.
This game could also be played in groups and as a competition when there are a large number of campers. The team to have accumulated the most number of sticks wins at the end of the game when all the sticks are gone. All you will need here for this game is sticks and blindfold. In case you are struggling to find wooden sticks, you can also use Popsicle sticks easily and continue the game. This makes a great camping activity for kids.
7. Camping Charades:
Camping charades are fun and easy entertainment for kids where all age groups enjoy participating. The printable camping charades could be an easy way to organize this game. Have the chits done and put it in a pail. Split the campers into teams and let the first team go and pick one of the chits and enact on it. Have a time limit that each team gets while enacting like for a minute or 30 seconds. If they guess them correctly, the team gets a point. Similarly, have rounds of this game and at the end of it, have the scores calculated to find out which team performed better and won.
These are some wonderful activities to keep the enthusiastic campers on toes throughout their camping days. Have fun reading and let us know your thoughts about it and any ideas that you have via the comment’s section.