Is It Implantation Bleeding Or Just A Period?


What is implantation bleeding? How does it look like? Are you confused with implantation bleeding or just a period? Don’t get freq out, I know all this ample number of question goes on your mind.

The implantation spotting is all about the early sign of pregnancy that occurs a few days before the pregnancy test and that conform about the pregnancy chance of women. Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding.

In this article, we will provide you brief information about what is implantation bleeding is all about, the way it looks like, how long it occurs, etc.

What is Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of a woman’s uterus and that’s when the growth process starts for pregnancy. The implantation spotting is all about the early sign of pregnancy that occurs a few days before the pregnancy test and that conform about the pregnancy chance of a woman. Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding.

The whole process of implantation starts with fertilization. Once the sperm has fertilized into an egg, which is generally called an embryo. Through the fallopian tube towards the uterus, the embryo travels. During this Phase of time, the embryo multiplies, into a blastocyst, which is become a number of cells all bunched together.

Once the blastocyst reaches the uterus, it searches for a good spot to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. This attachment to the uterus is called implantation.

How does Implantation Bleeding Look Like?

The Implantation bleeding is just some bit of difference from the regular period that women experience. The Implantation spotting is more often look typically like light pink to dark brown in color. It is different from the darker red blood which normally women get during their menstruation. In the early stage of pregnancy, there will be no clot in implantation bleeding.

The implantation spotting will continue for 2-3days in women who are pregnant and for those not expecting it may be a simple or the light period. The women who are pregnant for the first time  have implantation bleeding little more often than the women who  had multiple pregnancies

How Common is Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation-BleedingIt is quite normal in the case of pregnant women. It is the first sign of pregnancy. As per  ”Dr. Sherry Ross, OB/GYN at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, implantation bleeding is fairly common”. It occurs in about 25 percent (R) of pregnancy.

Dr. Linda Burke-Galloway, MD, MS, FACOG, and author of “The Smart Mother’s Guide to a Better Pregnancy,” says, “Most women think they’re having a short period but when in fact, it’s implantation bleeding. Most women get pregnant even they don’t realize until they take a pregnancy test.”

When Does Implementation Bleeding Occur?

It occurs in about 6-12 days after conception. It typically occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. The movement breaks down a few blood vessels within the uterus wall and causes Implementation bleeding.

The implantation bleeding happens or occurs within the week before the expected period dates. Certain women get confused with their regular period as it looks like a normal period. It is not common that the bleeding will occur before or after a period is missed or expected.

If one experience the ovulation early in the fertility window then the implantation bleeding is quick, In another round way if one experience the ovulation late in the fertility window then the implantation bleeding is slow.

Stages Of Implementation Bleeding


As the egg is fertilized by a sperm, the cell division occurs until the fertilized egg becomes a blastocyst. The blastocyst follows a certain pattern of stages in order the implementation of bleeding to occur or take place. These stages are as follows


This is the very first stage of implementation bleeding where the embryo attaches to the walls of the uterus. The age of the embryo is about a week old or 5 to 6 days.


The second stage of implantation bleeding is Adhesion in which the embryo begins to penetrate the walls of the uterus so that it can secure the uterus.


The final phase or the third stage of implantation bleeding is an invasion where the embryo begins to embed into the uterine wall. At this phase of time, the ovum is located at the endometrial cavity. The cavity wrapped better as the endometrial grows.

What Are The Sign And Symptoms Of Pregnancy Implantation Bleeding?


The Sign and Symptoms of Implantation Bleeding are as Follows

Early bleeding:

Implantation bleeding mostly occur a few days before the expected menstruation cycle as mention in above point. Most of the women confuse the two and it is not always true of its occurrence.

Unusual colored discharge:

Implantation bleeding shows a sign and symptoms of an unusual discharge that varies in color. It ranges from pinkish to very dark brown or black.

Very light bleeding:

Bleeding and discharge caused by implantation that lasts more than 48 hours (R) Women experience a few hours of spotting or one spot or streak of discharge in the aspect of Implantation bleeding.


Implantation can also cause mild and temporary cramps in which the cramping after implantation bleeding has stopped.

Others Sign and Symptom

  1. mood swings
  2. tiredness (R)
  3. dizziness
  4. headaches
  5. tender, swollen breasts
  6. nausea and vomiting
  7. constipation
  8. increased sense of smell
  9. food cravings and aversions
  10. a raised body temperature

How Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last?

As per Dr. Burke-Galloway says “implantation bleeding is quite a short-lived, and it lasts no more than 24 to 48 hours. It just a matter of time frame or the amount of time it takes for the fertilized egg to become implanted into the lining of the uterus is the period of implantation bleeding last. (R)

Dr. Ross Explains the Timeline as Follows:

  • Day 1: first day of the menstrual period
  • Day 14 to 16: ovulation occurs
  • Day 18 to 20: fertilization occurs
  • Day 24 to 26: implantation happens and implantation bleeding occurs for about 2 to 7 days

The women who are going through their first pregnancy likely to implantation spotting or bleed a little more than women who are used to egg attachment

Difference Between the Implantation Bleeding and Period?

There is a lot of difference between the implantation bleeding and period, here are few points that will help you to figure out the difference between implantation bleeding vs period.they are as follows

1. Colour

  • Implantation Bleeding: The implantation bleeding is mostly pink or brown especially darker in color. The brown color observes only on account of older blood as it takes a longer time for the blood to travel through the vagina.
  • Menstrual Cycle: whereas the period color is in red color and is considered as a biological health monitor for a woman. The bright red color indicates the new blood.

2. Duration

  • Implantation Bleeding: It does not last for long and has a maximum duration of 1-2 days. In some case, it also occurs for a few hours of implantation spotting.
  • Menstrual Cycle: It lasts for about 5-7 days. It is highly variable and depends on the flow of bleeding from slow to heavier.

3. Discharge

  • Implantation Bleeding: The discharge is always highly viscous and produces a discharge with a pink or brownish tint.
  • Menstrual Cycle: The discharge changes as per the ovulation cycle and is often considered as a woman’s fertility indicator. The other hand, the discharge becomes sticky and has a creamy texture in a woman in her non-fertile stage.

4. Cramping

  • Implantation Bleeding: The cramps are quite mild as compared to what women go through during a period. The cramps are caused because of hormonal activity after the implantation bleeding.
  • Menstrual Cycle: The cramps range from mild to severe with each period day passed on. The muscle contractions within the uterine wall which is responsible for the cramps and that hormones are called prostaglandin.

5. Volume

  • Implantation Bleeding: The amount of bleeding is minimal. The volume of bleeding is also independent of any other conditions. In most of the case, there is no requirement of changing pads.
  • Menstrual Cycle: The amount of bleeding is on average about 10-30 ml per period. The flow depends on conditions such as the size of the individual, exercise and hormonal levels. It is also variable.

How To Increase the Chance of Implantation Bleeding?

There are few ways to improve the chances of successful implantation bleeding that lead the more chance of getting pregnant. These tips are as follows

1. Balanced Diet:

It mostly focused on high fiber-rich food that will help to improve the healthy hormonal levels and uterine lining. Fiber-rich foods lead to healthy estrogen levels, metabolism, and digestion of an individual. Take about 28 grams of fiber each day. Include some of the leafy vegetables, banana, nuts, whole grains, beans, etc in your diet that will maintain the right amount of healthy balanced diet.

2. Omega 3:

Nothing can give much of proteins and vitamins that the food rich in omega 3 gives to a body. There are certain foods like fish like salmon, mackerel, etc gives a good amount of omega 3. Moreover, the omega 3 helps the uterus from contracting too hard that cause pain and mal-positioning of the uterus.  The food rich in omega3 improves the level of protein in the body.

3. Positive and Stress Free Feeling:

The high expectation during the two week wait leads to an overwhelmed feeling with anticipation and anxiety. That can release the stress hormones which act as a barrier to getting pregnant. The signs of stress in your cervical discharge, instead of increasing in volume, becomes patchy and interspersed. So avoiding stress is the coolest thing during this phase. Try to have as much as positive and stress free feeling.

4. Herbal Remedies:

Certain natural and herbal therapies are much better than general medication. Some herbal remedies are well known to help the overall health of the uterus by toning the muscles and reducing cramps during the implantation bleeding. Herbs that recommended by herbalists include cramp bark, black haw, and partridgeberry. Try to avoid castor oil packs, self-fertility massage, abdominal massage, and Radiant Womb therapeutic oil.

5. Stay Away From Xenoestrogen

Certain chemicals that have estrogen-like properties should be avoided during the implantation bleeding. They are too harmful to the body. In general, it reduces the elasticity of the uterine wall in women. Xenoestrogen is often found in non-organic foods and non-vegetarian products subjected to growth try to avoid as much as you can in order to have a successful implantation bleeding.

6. Avoid Alcohol

Studies have shown that alcohol can reduce the chances of implantation as for few people one glass of wine or any form of drink help them to set their mood. Drinking alcohol or any of the toxic drink should be avoided as much as you can in order to get pregnant.

7. Enough Rest:

The body might often observe clenching in jaw, tummy or holding your shoulder high, which is all signs of stress.try to avoid all such kind of stress as I mentioned above. Have a healthy environment around you no matter whether it is work or home. You should take enough rest and go to sleep early. Nest your womb, that can give a safe environment for inviting the baby.

When to Take Pregnancy Test After Implantation Bleeding?

The early sign of pregnancy is not usually to be concerned as it is normal and there is no risk of developing baby or getting pregnant. But if you are experiencing symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness or vomiting then consider your doctor as it may be an indication of an ectopic pregnancy. (R)

If you experienced implantation bleeding more than a certain time frame, then the advice is to wait at least 3 days before taking a home pregnancy test after the implantation bleeding. Before that, there’s unlikely to be enough of the pregnancy hormone as the hCG cannot give a positive result. Wait about 5 days then there is even more chance to be very much accurate in the result in order to take a pregnancy test after the implantation bleeding.

When To See Doctor After The Implantation Bleeding?

As I mention above if you are experiencing symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness or vomiting then consider your doctor as it may be an indication of an ectopic pregnancy. Light bleeding during various stages of pregnancy is normal but light bleeding does not usually last long, if the women experience it for a long period of time then she should consult a doctor.

A woman who experiences heavier bleeding requires medical attention. The heavy or persistent blood flow that is accompanied by menstrual cramps or blood clots may be a sign of serious complications.  The complication can result in

  • a molar pregnancy, where a noncancerous tumor develops in the uterus
  • an ectopic pregnancy, where the egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, is a medical emergency
  • a miscarriage, which is the early loss of a pregnancy.

Hope we have provided with all the brief information about Implantation bleeding and have figure out the main difference between Implantation bleeding and period. For more information regarding pregnancy, childcare you can log on to


Will Implantation Bleeding Occurs In Every Pregnancy?

Implantation bleeding is one type of bleeding occurs in early pregnancy. Not everyone will experience implantation bleeding or spotting in every pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is generally light and short. It lasts for a few days. It usually occurs 10-14 days after conception, or around the time of your missed period. The women who are pregnant for the first time have implantation bleeding little more often than the women who had multiple pregnancies.

Can You Be Pregnant If No Implantation Bleeding?

Yes, it is possible, to be pregnant as implantation bleeding is a part of mere 15 -25 % of pregnancy frequency, if you take in consideration that you only have 1 of 4 pregnancy chances on fertile stage, implantation bleeding could be considered as an evolutive recess, because implantation bleeding could alert potential predators, but if you take on  human evolution and fertility it is perfectly possible to have a pregnancy without bleeding at all.