17 Interesting Scavenger Ideas For Kids

ImageSource: momjunction.com

Do your kids keep on complaining about that there is nothing to do? Are your kids get confused about what to play sometimes? Don’t freq out! Try with some of the scavenger ideas for kids.

Scavenger hunts are fun and interesting. They add something extra flavor of enjoyment to ordinary events and make them memorable and fun loving for kids. The Scavenger hunt clues for kids are easy to create and can be tailored to any theme, any age, any place.

In this article, we will give a list of scavenger hunt ideas for kids that can make their day special and unique. Some of the good scavenger hunt ideas for kids are as follows

What is Scavenger Hunt?

ImageSource: merakilane.com

Scavenger hunts are fun and interesting. They add something extra flavor of enjoyment to ordinary events and make them memorable and fun loving for kids. The Scavenger hunt clues for kids are easy to create and can be tailored to any theme, any age, any place.

This game is moreover fun with small families or with a limited number of individual. The scavenger hunt is a great way to channelize the desire and beat the holiday blues of your kids. It is more productive than letting your kid waste time at the computer or gaming. It adds an extra flavor of enjoyment to ordinary events and makes them memorable and fun loving for kids.

Benefits of Scavenger Hunt Ideas:

There are an ample number of benefits of scavenger hunt does have a positive effect on kids. Some of the plus points of playing Scavenger hunt are as follows:

1. Teamwork:

The best part of the scavenger hunt teaches the value of teamwork to kids. The games teach the kids the value of working together and team spirit. This game leads to solving the clues in order to very next clue. That results come with the need of one another.

2. Builds problem solving skills:

Practical learning is always the best way to teach children things the way they are. It remains in their memories for a much longer time that they can.

3. Compatibility:

The kids learn the ability of better understanding with each other and develop a sense of getting with one another. They develop a sense of compatibility among each other.

4. Educational Value:

It is a game where children learn a lot in a good way of in their academical. As this form of the game gives pressure on their mind to think and reasoning. This improves their logically value and importance. It helps the baby to learn color, texture, shape, size, counting, etc while performing such kind of activity.

5. Improves Problem Solving Skill:

The best way to teach children things in a way that ensures it remains in their memories for much longer is practical learning. This is one of the important benefits that is learned from a good scavenger hunt ideas for kids.

Lists Of Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Kids:

Here are scavenger hunt ideas for kids that can be fun and interesting.

1. Rainbow Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: handsonaswegrow.com

All You Need:

  1. Rainbow scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Different colors of construction paper
  3. White construction paper
  4. Scissors

How To Do:

  1. Take a print out the printable sheet and cut them apart.
  2. Stick each scavenger hunt clue for kids to the strip of construction paper in form of rainbow color. Leave any one of color blank, as it will be the fill up by the kid.
  3. Cut out a cloud shape from the white construction paper and stick a clue on it too. It will be the starting clue of the game.
  4. Next, draw the object that you want your kid to find in the blank box.
  5. When the kids have found all the clues, tell them to stick the strips of the construction paper on the white cloud.

2. Number Scavenger Hunt:

All You Need:

  1. An empty egg carton
  2. Plastic numbers

How To Do:

  1. Take an empty egg carton and number it.
  2. Hid some number somewhere in your home.
  3. Ask your little one to find the numbers that you hid around the house.
  4. Once your kid founded it, all he has to do is put them in the correct spot.
  5. The plastic number 4 goes into the egg spot number 4.
  6. That will complete the game for the kid.

3. Library Scavenger Hunts:

ImageSource: huffingtonpost.com

All You Need:

  1. A pencil for each team
  2. Library Scavenger Hunt List printable sheet

How To Do:

  1. Before you play the game you should decide with who you are getting to play such as individuals, groups or in teens.
  2. Very young kids should be pair with an adult in this Scavenger hunt clues for kids.
  3. Set an appropriate time limit and let the kids loose.
  4. Download the Library scavenger hunt printable sheet and
  5. Distribute among the players or team.

4. Letter Scavenger Hunts:

Letter-Scavenger-HuntsAll You Need:

  1. Alphabet scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Paper
  3. Print
  4. Clipboard
  5. Pen

What To Do:

  1. Take a Letter printable sheet and affix on the clipboard.
  2. Give a copy of the printable sheet to each kid.
  3. Decide a fixed area of place from where your kid can go and collect the name of things.
  4. They have to find things that begin each letter of the alphabet and write the name of the element in the blank column.

5. Word Scavenger Hunts:

Word-Scavenger-HuntsAll You Need:

  1. Word scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Print
  3. Clipboard
  4. Pen

How To Do:

  1. Take a Word printable sheet and affix on the clipboard.
  2. Give a copy of the printable sheet to each kid.
  3. They have to find a letter together that make any word and round the name of the element in the box of a letter in the sheet.
  4. Trace as many words as he/she can find in the sheet.

6. Photo Scavenger Hunts:

ImageSource: verywellfamily.com

All You Need:

  1. A digital camera or camera phone.
  2. Scavenger hunt list
  3. Pen or pencil
  4. Watch
  5. IPad, laptop or any other device for viewing photos

How To Do:

  1. Before you start to play this hunt, decide the place where you would like to go for the scavenger hunt.
  2. Create a list of things that you want the kids to find.
  3. Make sure you have one for each team or player.
  4. Distribute the pen, list, and camera to the kids and tell them to take photos of the items mention in the list.
  5. When done, ask the kids to show a’ll the picture they have taken.
  6. Whoever collected more is the winner.

7. Nature Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: framepool.com

All You Need:

  1. A bag to hold the objects
  2. Crayon or pencil
  3. Scavenger hunt list printable sheet
  4. List withdrawing
  5. Complete list
  6. Camera

How To Do:

  1. Download and print out the printable sheet and share with the players
  2. Give your little ones the scavenger hunt list along with a crayon, clipboard, and a bag.
  3. The kids have to color the item once they find it.
  4. And collect the items they find in the open world around them.

8. Spring Nature Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: mykidsadventures.com

All You Need:

  1. Spring sensory scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Paper
  3. Pen or pencil

How To Do:

  1. Print the printable sheet and give it to your kid.
  2. Give a pen and clipboard along with the printable sheet.
  3. Tell your kids to find the items on the printable sheet.
  4. Make sure you tell your kids that not to put anything in their mouth without asking you. And
  5. Avoid touching plants that they are not familiar with any kind of object.

9. Zoo Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: tulsaworld.com

All You Need:

  1. Zoo scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Clipboard
  3. Printer
  4. Paper
  5. Pen or pencil

How To Do:

  1. Print out the zoo scavenger hunt printable sheet and give to your kid.
  2. Take your kid to the zoo and begin hunting.
  3. Set the time limit to 25 to 30 minutes.
  4. The kid has to strike off the animals they have spots in the zoo.

10. Cleanup Scavenger Hunts:

ImageSource: momjunction.com

All You Need:

  1. Gloves
  2. Trash bag
  3. Pen
  4. Hand sanitizer
  5. Paper

How To Do:

  1. Select a place or location that you think needs a cleanup. It can be a garden, backyard, or even the house. Whatever location you select, make sure it’s safe and accessible.
  2. You can even set a point structure for this scavenger hunt. 1 point per item checked off the list and five bonus points if the kids find them all.
  3. Give each player at least one large or two small plastic bags, the scavenger list, and a pencil. And make sure the kids wear gloves and close-toed shoes before picking up the trash.
  4. Set the time limit for 20 minutes and let the kid begin cleaning, err hunting

11. Fall Leaf Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: thenewforest.co.uk

All You Need:

  1. Paper
  2. Pen or marker
  3. A Ziploc bag or grocery bag
  4. A notebook or clipboard
  5. Plastic bag

How To Do:

  1. First and foremost, prepare a list of leaves to find out
  2. Take your kid to a nearby park, backyard or anywhere where there are different types of trees.
  3. Hand the list of different tree leaf to each player.
  4. Set a time limit.
  5. Each time the child finds a leaf, he has to check it off the list and place in the plastic bag.
  6. And see who collected more is the winner.

12. Road Trip Scavenger Hunts:

All You Need:

  1. Pencil or pen
  2. Paper
  3. Paper
  4. Clipboard

How To Do:

  1. The objective of this scavenger hunts for kids is to spot the list of items during the car ride you are ongoing.
  2. Ask your kids, to tell the name of items that you ask them to find while traveling the road.
  3. Strictly say that they can’t use the internet for finding the objects on the list.

13. Grocery Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: cheatsheet.com

All You Need:

  1. Pen
  2. Paper
  3. Bags
  4. Clipboard

How To Do:

  1. In this game, you can make a list of thing that kids have to collect from the grocery store.
  2. Set a time limit for grocery store scavenger hunt.
  3. You can also make a window shopping while playing the game to your kids.

14. Animals Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: simonemadeit.com

All You Need:

  1. Plastic animals
  2. List of riddles
  3. Pen
  4. Paper
  5. Clipboard

How To Do:

  1. Hide the plastic animals around the house and
  2. Then give your child the list that contains simple riddles
  3. The children need to figure out the animal and where to find it in the house.

15. Party Scavenger Hunt:


  1. Ingredients for a simple treat
  2. such as a sponge cake

How To Do:

  1. Give the kids the list of ingredients and
  2. Ask them to assemble them all on the kitchen.
  3. you can delight the children by showing them how to make the sponge cake and
  4. Letting them eat it when it is ready.

16. Outdoor Bible Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: creativebiblestudy.com

All You Need:

  1. Bible scavenger hunt printable sheet
  2. Clipboard
  3. Pen
  4. Paper and printer
  5. Bible
  6. camera

How To Do:

  1. Download and print out the bible scavenger hunt printable sheet.
  2. Get one printable sheet for each player.
  3. Take your kid to the farm, suburbia or park.
  4. A large group of kids should be divided into teams.
  5. Kids are free to open their copies of the Bible to find answers to the clues.
  6. Kids can either collect the item or can take the picture.

17. Dollar Store Scavenger Hunt:

ImageSource: momjunction.com

All You Need:

  1. Dollar Store Scavenger Hunt Printable sheet
  2. Pen
  3. Clipboard

How To Do:

  1. Print out the sheet before heading to the Dollar Store.
  2. Give your kid the printable sheet with a clipboard and pen.
  3. Ask the kid to grab the basket and search the sections of the dollar store for these items mention in the sheet.
  4. The things are not needed to buy.
  5. You can put them back on the shelf once the hunt is over.

Scavenger hunts are fun and interesting. They add something extra flavor of enjoyment to ordinary events and make them memorable and fun loving for kids. Just try these all scavenger hunts as mentioned above and make your kids day amazing.