All You Need To Know About Puberty In Girls

Puberty In Girls

Do adolescence and puberty in girls are confusing? Do your child’s height grows faster? Does there body changes in your daughter? Answer to all this question is due to puberty.

Puberty is a time when you grow from a girl to a woman. It is a common phase of development in both girls and boys. Everyone goes through this stage. Puberty is all about a lot of change in your body and life.

Well in this article we will focus on the hormonal changes during puberty in females and the physical changes during puberty in a female.

What Is Puberty?


As I said above puberty (R) is a transformation stage of the body from juvenile to the adult stage. It is a time when the body gets matured and is ready for sexual reproduction. At the time of puberty, the brain releases a series of hormones that trigger the transformation of the body.

The changes seen in a girl at the time of puberty affects the body in terms of size, shape, and composition. It also includes the development of an internal body of system and structure.

During the time of puberty, the girls grow rapidly in the first half of puberty and gradually it will be complete when the puberty gets to stop. Female puberty in girls is about hormone signals from the brain will tell the body that it is time for puberty to start. The signals will go to the ovaries in females and the testes in males.

[Read: How To Talk Your Daughter About Her Puberty]

When Does Puberty Starts In Girls?


As per studies puberty in girls usually starts between the ages of 8 and 13 and ends by around 14. For boys, puberty usually starts (R) between 10 and 14, and ends by around 15 or 16.

Girls develop breasts and start their periods. Boys develop a deeper voice and facial hair which starts to appear. The average age for girls to begin puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12.

completely normal for puberty to begin at any point from the ages of 8 to 14. The process can take up to 4 years.

Below is a general timeline for physical changes that occur during girls’ puberty

Puberty EventAge at Which it Starts
Growth of breasts8 to 13
Growth of pubic hair8 to 14
Body growth9 1/2 to 14 1/2
First period10 to 16 1/2
Underarm hair2 years after pubic hair shows up
AcneAround the same time as underarm hair


What Are The Sign And Symptoms Of Puberty In Girls


There are many physical and hormonal changes (R) during puberty in a female. So here are some of the examples for it-

1. Changes In Your Shape:

This is a bigger change that happens during puberty. You can observe a lot of physical changes during puberty for females. It happens usually between the ages of 9 and 13, where the girls grow much faster than they had been growing. This process is called a growth spurt. But this happens later for boys.

There are certain changes that are expected during puberty-

  • A curvier shape
  • Wider hips, thighs, and bottom
  • Normal weight gain as your body structure grows
  • Stretch marks, or little scars

2. Change In Breast:

Here comes a major sign of puberty in a girl. This change varies from one with another. Someone may have big breast and someone may have small breasts. What matters here is the change in your breast.

There will be a small bump under the nipple. You may also notice that your breast may feel a little itchy or achy. It is also very important to keep in mind that the two breasts are of two different sizes.

At this stage, it is common that breast growth starts to grow on one side before the other. It’s also common for breast buds to tender or sore. The uneven breast is totally normal and it improves with the course of time.

3. Body Hair:

Before you get your period you can see certain changes in your body hair. Especially in the pubic area, underarms, on your leg. Initially, the hair will be the lighter and less whereas the hair will be darker and thicker as it goes through the stages of puberty.

Hair in the pubic area starts near the opening and spreads up in a V shape over time. At about 15% in girls, the pubic hair is the first sign of puberty before the breast starts building. Pubic hair starts along the vaginal lips, the outer opening of your private parts.

4. Change In Mind:

At the time of puberty not only there are physical changes during puberty for females but also there are a lot of hormonal, emotional and behavioral changes occurs in girls. There are certain change in mind such as-

  • One is able to understand more complex matters.
  • One is starting to make more of your own moral choices.
  • One knows more about who you are, and what your likes and dislikes are.
  • One may have some new, strong emotions.

5. Getting Your Period:

Here come with another bigger sign of puberty in girls. The girls start with periods or menstruation. This is a stage of development of sexual reproduction and the body is ready for now to make a baby.

Moreover, the girls get their first period within 2 – 3 years after the development of breast buds. As per the research, the average age for girls to get their first period in the United States is around age 12.

Before the girls reach 12 the parents should give adequate information about what is period and how to carry it. It is absolutely normal and common in girls. So it is not a matter of worry at all.

At first, it can be unpredictable for the first two years and it typically takes 1-2 years for cycles to develop, so you may not be regular for a while for some girls.

6. Acne:

Puberty in girls is a major stage of hormonal changes during puberty in the female. It can be also a stressful time. At this stage, the Increased activity of the oil-secreting glands in the skin causes the emergence of pimples, but acne usually declines or disappears completely at the end of puberty.

There will be an increase in acne breakouts on the girl’s face, back or chest area. In order to avoid this breakout, you should wash your face daily twice. If it is major then you can refer to a dermatologist.

7. Vocal Deepening:

This is one of the least noticeable changes in a girl during puberty. There is a change in the girls’ voices. The girl’s vocal cords do not deepen nearly as much as men do, but they do in fact deepen. A little version of change allows for a girl’s tone to develop a more adult, lower-pitched sound.

The girls experience this change gradually throughout their lives and not solely during puberty. The girls who sing have been known to lose the ability to hit certain high notes as they could sing before their voices get matured enough. There is a little amount of difference in the change of vocal deepening in girls during puberty.

8. Change In Sexuality:

Here comes with another major change in a girl during puberty. There is a lot of change in one’s feelings other than change is physical and hormonal. The girl starts to develop in whole new ways.

This stage of puberty can spark some brand new stage of urge in you. A person can have or start having strong feelings for someone they like. You may start thinking more about your sexuality and taking your part of sexuality more serious.

It is about how the reproductive system works, feeling attractive, and being attached to someone else. It’s also affected by your values, how you feel about your body and the messages about bodies and behaviors that you get from the world around you.

9. Vaginal Discharge:

This is one of the changes seen in a girl at the time of puberty. The girls will experience a small to moderate amount of clear or white vaginal discharge. This generally starts about 6-12 months before their first period of a girl. This is a normal response to growing amounts of the hormone estrogen in the body.

The vaginal discharge is a clear or cloudy fluid produced by your body to moisten and cleanse the vagina. At this stage, you’ll notice yellow or white stains inside the underwear. This is natural moisture from the vagina. It’s perfectly normal, and it’s a sign that menstruation will likely start in six to 18 months.

In some case the vaginal discharge can become white, clumpy, thick or milky. That may lead to have a yeast infection. In this case, you can refer to the doctor.

How Long Does Puberty Last In Girls?

How Long Does Puberty

In girls, puberty usually begins between the ages of 9 and 14. Once it begins, it lasts about 2 to 5 years. But it varies from one girl child to another. There is a wide range of what is “normal.”

In some cases, the girl may begin puberty a little earlier or later and finish sooner or later than her friends. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider if the periods or puberty is appearing to come late as per the mention time frame.

Puberty is a very important phase of child development. No matter it is for a girl or for a boy. Do talk to your child before puberty comes. It is very common but it varies from one to one. I hope this article has provided good information about the sign of puberty in girls.