Overtiredness in Babies – Know the Reasons and Symptoms


What is an overtired baby? How to soothe an overtired baby? How to overcome overtiredness in babies? I know all these questions might be arising in your mind. Well don’t be freq out!! just be relax.

An overtired baby is one who is too tired to sleep, and who will fuss and cry. When sleep finally does come, an overtired baby will likely wake too soon and have a hard time falling back to sleep.

In this article, you will come to know what causes over tiredness in babies, the sign and symptoms of oversensitiveness in babies, and the best ways to get an over tiredness in babies.

What Is Overtriedness In Baby?

Src: sleeptightconsultants.com

Overtriedness (R) is that the variation stage between tiredness and exhaustion. This is basically a stage where the baby is too tried to sleep. When the sleep finally comes, an over-tried baby will likely to wake up soon and normally have a hard time falling back to sleep. The more tried baby is the harder it becomes to get the sleep.

It is a state of physical fatigue that activities the stress response system. This include the release of hormones like cortisol, that makes it even harder for baby to settle down and felt asleep again. This is why, counterintuitively, the more overtired a baby becomes, the more difficult it is for them to both falls asleep easily.

Mostly the newborn babies need to sleep every 45 minutes throughout the day. If that window is missed, then overtiredness can ensue to arise.

What Causes Overtriedness In Babies?

There are certain reasons or cause behind that makes a baby over tried. Scroll down and find out what you didn’t know off-

1. Over Stimulation:

This is one of the major causes behind the baby to become over tried. It causes the baby’s nervous system to become overloaded due to extra sensory stimulation. The babies are generally powerless to do any stuff around them at this situation or environment.

This situation is more common for the newborn as due to lack of maturity in their nervous system. Without sleep, the baby is going to feel sensitive to stimulatory triggers such as lights, loud noises, getting dressed, being patted, getting massaged and so on.

2. Intestinal Discomfort:

Here come with a scientific cause behind making the baby to the level of overtiredness. The baby who gets up in the night is due to feeling hungry and carving for lack of food or any kind of intestinal discomfort make the baby to be over tried and get up in the night and shows up some fussy or cranky behavior.

This condition may be caused due to breastfeeding, formula milk or increasing of bottle feed. Feeding the baby more milk can cause discomfort in their stomach and result in over tried in babies.

3. Underfeeding:

This is probably one of the causes behind making a child over tried. Sleep-deprived babies end up becoming very exhausted and cannot feed effectively than normal babies does up. They could then miss out on the required nourishment to grow and therefore end up sleeping for longer hours in the night, that becomes too exhausted for night food. The babies who are sleep deprived struggle a lot to gain a sufficient weight ideal for the stage.

Sign And Symptoms Of Overtriedness In Babies:

There are certain signs and symptoms of overtiredness in babies, they are such as-

  • The baby will rub her eyes or face.
  • The baby will move his face away from stimulation.
  • The baby will yawn, hiccup, or sneeze very often.
  • The baby will fuss and whimper which eventually, the fussing may spiral into full-blown inconsolable crying.
  • The baby will become clingy with mom or dad, or with a caregiver which as a results makes it impossible to put the baby for sleep.
  • The Baby will grow increasingly physically active
  • The baby will be fussy and crying most of the time.
  • Difficult to calm the baby at almost of the situation
  • Yawning is one of the major sign and symptoms of overtiredness in babies
  • The baby may be overactivity sometimes due to not ready to sleep.
  • The baby may move away from stimulation or losing interest in a toy or food.
  • They Starting off as a whinge but progressing to full-scale crying.
  • The baby becomes clingy and difficult to put down to sleep.
  • It is increasingly difficult to console a baby.
  • The baby shows for sneezing and hiccuping.

How To Get An Overtried Baby To Sleep?

These are simple strategies that can help you to get am overtiredness in babies. Some of the ways are-

  • Swaddle the baby
  • Hold your baby.
  • Feed your baby until she is calm and drowsy.
  • Rock your baby.
  • Play white noise while you soothe your baby.
  • Make your baby’s room dark.
  • Sing a lullaby while rocking your baby.

To calm down an older baby:

  • Rock the little one to drowsiness.
  • Sing a lullaby or feed if it is feed time.
  • Avoid eye contact and give her some quiet time.
  • Take the baby away from the noisy environment and say no to tv, no loud conversations, etc.
  • Read stories book that will help to settle her down.
  • Use a soothing voice to calm her down faster.

How To Prevent Overtriedness In Babies?

  • Make sure you develop a consistent sleep schedule for babies and young children.
  • It is very much important for the infants and toddlers, to have a proper quality nap for their daily sleep needs and this get an over tried infant to sleep.
  • Do make your child’s sleeping environment to healthy sleep and don’t overstimulate it.
  • Observe the sign of overtired baby such as yawning and eye rubbing, to determine the sleep schedule of your baby.
  • Put your child down to bed early in the evening.
  • Help your child to calm down a half hour before bedtime without screens.
  • Make sure you avoid much of daytime sleep of your baby as it may lead the baby to awake much of its time at night.

Good sleep is always necessary for a baby and it is important for the baby to taken care of it and it is always necessary to make sure you didn’t make your child overtiredness.