Best Advice On Being A Good Father To A Daughter


A father daughter relationship is very special. Fathers have a tremendous ability to influence the lives of their daughters – either positively or negatively. Find below some of the best advice on being a good father to a daughter.

Best advice on being a good father to a daughter

The way your daughter shapes, depends completely, on how a father treats his daughter. It also depends on how she views herself, and how she expects to be treated by other men for the rest of her life.

1. She wants to be loved

The best advice on being a good father to a daughter, is she wants to be loved by you, then buying her things or stuff or things that you teach her. Do not ever let her doubt your love for her. Your daughter, may sometimes let you down; may even turn her back to you for a reason; make huge mistakes. No matter what, just look into her in the eyes and tell her you to love her lots.

2. You have an influence on her future partner

Dads have an influence on her future partner. Love her mom. Make time to date her, show your kids that she is a bigger priority than they are, and take her on trips. This is the best advice for dads, on how to be a good parent. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and with loads of affection. When she is old enough, she will fall in love with, and marry someone who treats her much, like you treated her mother.

3. Listen to her music

Whenever you are on a drive with your daughter, listen to her music, whether you like it or not. Turning on her favorite music, will light them up.

4. Tell her she is pretty, but tell her other good things about herself more

Do not just compliment your daughter, on her looks, which is not bad. She might feel only her appearance matters. Instead, give compliments on her intelligence, her strength, her resourcefulness, her hard work, and imagination. Teach her not to judge herself or let herself be judged, only by looks.

5. Do not shrink back as she grows up

Dads, who are nearing to the teenage years of their daughters, are more emotionally engaged with their teenage daughters. Common teenage problems, such as periods, shaving armpits, boyfriends, snapchat, should not make any difference to dads, when reach 15 years. Be engaged with them, every bit, like when they were five years old. Do not make the mistake of vanishing or disappear, when their bodies and emotions, start changing.

6. Teach her that handymen do not have to be men

Teach her basic things like how to – fix a toilet from overflowing, use the fuse box, maintain a car, set a mousetrap, turn off the water main. This will boost her confidence and self-reliability skills, without asking for anybody’s help.

7. Teach her how to do a real push-up

The best advice on being a good father to a daughter, is to teach her how to do real push ups, how to play sports hard. Raise them not only physically, but also mentally tough.

8. Always be there

Hang out together, with no reason, than just to be in the presence of each other, by sitting idle. Having a good quality time, with each other, is important. She needs her dad to be involved in her life at every stage. Show genuine interest in the things that interest her.

9. Make memories

Create as many memories with your daughter. Spend your day by going for family movie nights on Friday nights, big breakfast Saturdays, and many more. Fill up your daughter’s journal, with memories of being with her dad. Savour every moment you have together.

10. Choose wisely over fights

Whenever she fights with her mother, choose sides wisely.

11. Teach her the correct names for her genitals, and use them matter-of-fact

Make sure that as she grows up, she knows her vulva from her vagina. Teach her the correct names of her genitals, and use them as a matter of facts.

12. Cry when the family pet dies

When a family pet dies, show that it is okay for men to feel and express emotions, even hard ones like sadness and grief. The most comforting thing, sometimes you can do, shares a difficult emotion.

13. Teach her honesty and integrity in relationships by demonstrating them in yours

One of the best advice on how to be a good father, is to teach her honesty and integrity in relationships. Teach her to live a life consistent with the values you hold, and helping people you love to live consistent with theirs. She will choose the integrity, which she hopes from you.

14. Teach her that she has power over her own body and sexuality

Teach her that her body belongs to her own, and she is the boss if it. Tell her that her body, is not to be used in the effort to win approval or love or to manipulate others. Teach her that sex is beautiful, and choices to have, or not to have, both carry power and integrity, as long as she is true to herself.

Allow her to talk to you about sex, without any hesitation. Make sure you also leave room for her to have private conversations about sex and sexuality with other people.

By Supraja