10 Simple Ice Breaker Games At Summer Camp

Image source: colorear.myhydros.org

If you have ever been to summer camps, you know that breaking the ice, also known as conversation starters are some of the most interesting activities to be involved in. Ice breakers are a good way to get to know the person for the first time with a twist of fun at summer camps. So, here are some summer camp icebreaker games.

Ice Breaker Games At Summer Camp

1. The “Remember Me?” Game:

Image source: mygreenface.com

A game that will introduce the person to you. The game starts with one person telling their name and the rest of the participants have to remember the first name followed by the next names being told in the same order. The more names are the better. This way, you not only break the ice and make friends but also improve your memory and attention span.

2. “Two Truths and One Lie” Game:

Image source: memegene.net

This one is an oldie. This is a game that everyone loves to have fun around with because it’s solely depending on guessing. The game starts with one person telling two truths and one lie about themselves. You have to guess which one is the lie out of the three. You don’t have to be amazing at this game, because the point is to make a friend and have a nice conversation.

3. “Name a Place, Animal, and a Thing” Game:

Image source: unityoflawrence.org

Nothing can beat this game at breaking the ice. The game usually starts with one of the parties picking any of the alphabets. So, both of them have to name a place, animal and a thing starting with the given alphabet. Here’s the twist, the name of animal, place and thing can’t be the same for both the parties. You can try this game and see how intense it’ll get in the next few minutes.

4. “Spin The Bottle” Game:

Image source: imagefast.org

This is a game that both kids and adults love. All you need is a group of people sitting in a circle and place the bottle in the middle of that circle. One of the participants will spin the bottle. The open end of the bottle will point at one party and that person is the target. For starters, you can ask this person about the things you want to know like “what do you do for fun?” or “what’s your favorite hobby?” or something like that. That’s one way to break the ice and see if you have common interests with the participants.

5. “Truth or Dare” Game:

Image source: teens.lovetoknow.com

A game that will keep you on your toes and entice more people into the game. Like the name says, the game starts with one person asking the other person to choose to tell the “Truth” or you “Dare” them to do something that could be a little out of their comfort zone. This will keep the excitement alive and help you socialize with people better at summer camps. This game is also known as “The golden game at parties” but of course, you could use it as an ice breaker at summer camps.

6. “Headphones and Talking” Game:

Image source: popsugar.com

If the tone of the activities is low at your summer camps, this is something you can try. This game requires one of the two parties to wear headphones and play music. The person mouths the word to the person wearing the headphones. The person wearing the headphones has to read the lips of the person trying to mouth the words and guess those words to say it out loud. You don’t have to win at the first go and not being able to guess the game is the best part of it all.

7. “Guess The Object” Game:

Guess-The-ObjectA game that will never fail you at breaking the ice for you at your summer camps. The game starts with one of the parties being blind-fold and the rest of the people will place different objects in the person’s hand. The blindfold person has to guess the object placed in their hand and say it out loud. It’s okay even if you don’t guess it right. As the game goes along, you’ll find yourself in the midst of the excitement and possibly potential new friends.

8. “Guess the body part” Game:

Image source: audiomania.lt

If you’re an adult, you’ll love this game. Camp icebreakers for adults are very underrated. This is not as bad some people make it out to be. It doesn’t have to be extreme either. Once you get in the game, the fun will overshadow your fears. Basically, the game starts with one of the parties being blindfold. One of the participants can place, say their foot in the blindfold’s hand and ask them to guess what body part it is. Okay, so it doesn’t “have” to be afoot. It could really be anything. You can make the blindfold person touch the inside of your wrist and confuse them. Most of the times, the guesses turn out to be wrong. And guess what? That’s the fun part.

9. “Never Have I Ever” Game:

Image source: digitalspy.com

A game that will not only break the ice for you but will dig out some secrets (just kidding). This game is popular because it is an age-old game and a trick to have fun while socializing. Ellen Degeneres plays this game with her guests all the time. So, the game starts with all the participants having a paddle in their hand with “Never” on one side and “I have” on the other side in writing\printing. Each participant gets one paddle and they flip the paddle to either side at their choice. For example, the question goes like “Never Have I Ever been to Disney Land”. The participants will flip the paddle to either “I have” or “Never”. Fun, isn’t it?

10. “Love, Marry and Kill” Game:

Image source: bitchmedia.org

At summer camps, this is a game that everyone loves to play. The game starts with people stating a celebrity’s name. Each person at their turn has to state if they’d love, marry or kill this celebrity. This way, you’re not only breaking the ice but also getting to know about the person’s interests and likes. This one is for adults.

Apart from the above-mentioned camp name games, there are many other games that you can indulge yourself in. There are many more games that act as ice breakers at summer camps to help you with starting a conversation and let you have fun at the same time. Besides, summer is the best time of the year and it’d be unfair to not have fun.