Wonderful Ways To Be A Great Dad


Being a dad is all about inspiring the kids to look up to their role model. A dad is often the most encouraging and supportive parent. All that a dad does or wants to do summarizes behavior and courage a child bears. The more independence a child gets, the more strongly he or she becomes. And its the father always who brings out this confidence in the kids.

A mother also needs respect and support from the father to be able to raise the kids right. Sharing some wonderful ways to be a great dad, as a child learns everything from family around. And it is important to give them the rightest of right exposure for a happy and healthy future ahead.

What makes a great dad and what are the guidelines to be a good dad:

What-makes-a-great-dad1. Putting family first:

A great dad always puts family first no matter what. There may be circumstances at his personal or professional space, but putting family first makes him the most ideal and inspiring dad. It may be difficult to be present every time, but remembering important milestones and being there pays it all

2. Make most of whatever time you have:

Spending quality time with family doesn’t mean being there 24 by 7 but whatever time is there make the most of it. A great dad will always try for more and more memorable times be it at park or trips or camping. If you have just an hour a day make sure be a part of at least one important daily activity say bedtime reading, board games with family, meal times together, biking or exercising together or watching a movie together.

3. Build lasting memories:

Specially the times a great dad spends with kids and family, he makes sure its the most memorable part for each and every one. Taking regular family trips is simply the most enthralling part of being with family. The memories you make while exploring new places are the most endearing ones for kids.

4. Share responsibilities as its not just mom always:

If it is preparing meals of school time snacks, or keeping the laundry clean and arranged or even cleaning after dinner time,  a great dad always shares responsibilities with mom. This not only makes the kids also share responsibilities but also sets an example for them too

5. Love them Unconditionally:

Loving your kids unconditionally is all about being a great dad. No matter what, show the kids that you love them and there is absolutely nothing more charming to a great dad than his kids

Love-them-unconditionally6. Stay patient always and keep calm:

In situations, a great dad always keeps calm and patient. No matter what never lose your cool with kids. Shouting or fighting with kids, or bad tempered behavior never gets appreciated anywhere. A great dad is the one who never shouts or spanks kids, rather talks with kids to explain

7. Read them regularly:

Reading to kids must be the most important activity for any great dad. As it does not just improve language skills, but also awareness and understanding of things around too. A great dad makes reading to kids a habit.

8. Be encouraging and spark their imagination:

Being a great dad, inspiring and encouraging kids is always on priority. The kids are no much inspired that it sparks their imaginations and makes them creative and innovative

9. Model good behavior:

A great dad always shows good behavior to influence the same traits in his kids. Good behavior is more observed and acquired than taught. A great dad this shows good behavior at all times

10. Respect each other in family:

A great dad respects everyone in the family and this enforces respect by even the kids. Seeing dad respect everyone makes the kids also adopt these good qualities fast.

11. Teach them independence and allow them to make decisions:

Being independent is one trait every parent must establish in their children. A great dad always strives for promulgating independence in his kids. he lets them make their own decisions which bring a sense of individual strength among kids

12. Being present at all important milestones:

A great dad will be there at all important milestones starting from school recitals, to graduation to sports day and more. Birthdays and other celebrations are extremely festive arranged by great dads.

eing-present-at-all-importa13. Having strong communication with kids:

A great dad keeps the communication open and two way with the kids. He makes sure that kids share whatever they feel without any fear or pressure. This keeps the dad and kid bond strong which is extremely important too.

14. Takes trips with kids:

A great dad plans holidays and vacations with kids. Trips are the times when most cherished memories of lifetime are built.

15. A great dad is always consistent:

A great dad is always consistent in his responses and rewards and punishments are always consistent. He does not spank or scare the kids at all. And his way or treating a situation is more understanding and calm

What are the qualities of a good father that we must adopt no matter what:

qualities-of-a-good-father1. Eat together as the meal times are the most important part of a day for a family to share all that has happened.

2. Take them out often. Even if it’s a park around or library, being a good father you must take the kids out.

3. No matter you are separated or divorced, being a good dad you have to be there for all their important days

4. Listen to your kids always. Before jumping to conclusions just hear the kids side of the story first.

5. Be supportive and encourage them. There are times when kids just need words of encouragement and a good dad is often the one whose support matters the most

6. Show affection as much as you can. Hugs go a long way and never shy away from showing how much you love your kids

7. Give respect to earn respect. That’s how the kids will learn to respect. The more you respect your kids and the family, the more well behaved and respectful your kids would become

8. Teach them about finances, self-esteem and self respect. These virtues are extremely important and a good father always shares the details with kids kids

9. Be honest in your thoughts and actions as kids look up to you as their role model

10. Protect them and let them feel free. As a good dad, you have to protect them always but not hover around. Giving them freedom in the right ways is what makes the kids independent and happy.


The above compilation on Wonderful ways to be a great dad is to bring about how a dad can inspire and influence the health and happiness of a child. And how raising a kid right is so much more about being a great dad always.

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