What Does Chickenpox Look Like And It’s Home Remedies

Image source: Health And Parenting.Com

Spots have never been healthy friends. It does freak us out the moment we see new spots or rashes appearing on any part of our body. Especially talk about the face – Oh! I can even faint looking at a new spot grow on my facial area. There could be various reasons for a spot to appear but if you see them multiple real soon then there are fair possibilities the rashes are of chickenpox. Thus firstly, we need to know and understand what does chickenpox look like. In this article, we are going to tell you what are the basic symptoms and how do the rashes look like so that we do not confuse them to normal allergies and freak out!

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The first symptom of chickenpox in an adult or a child is pretty much the same – the person feels sick, has a fever, sudden loss of appetite. The person can also have headache, sore throat and cough associated to this. The itchy rashes of chickenpox appear only after a day or two of the first symptom starts. It is usually developed about 12-15 days after the contact with a person infected with the virus. It is a very contagious disease. If an infected person has almost recovered, there are fair chances for it to spread from the crust on the skin. Hence highly recommended to take proper precautions in such cases.

Chicken Pox Pictures Early Stage Rashes

Image Source: Youtube.Com

The rash of chickenpox develops in groups with a sudden increase in the red spots in cluster. This red spot first arrives like a rash but later fills with clear fluid on the skin. They may break and reform but they do form scabs and crust while they dry up.

Chickenpox may start out seeming it is just cold and flu since you might have a runny or stuffy nose but when the rashes start to appear it is time to know that it is something just more than normal flu.

It has been observed that chickenpox rashes begin from the back, chest or face, often in bunches. From there it can spread out over the entire body quickly including your ears and mouth if too severe.

Below you can see chicken pox pictures early stage rash


Image Source: Naturalnews.Comaturalnews.Com

Chicken pox pictures day 1 to day 15 looks somewhat like below:

Chicken-pox-pictures-dayIf you observe the chicken pox images day 1, it just starts like a rash. So easily ignored. And on the same day, it grows and fills with clear fluid which we spoke about earlier. Pretty itchy and irritating. It could be a nightmare if a kid is diagnosed with chickenpox. It is always recommended that the diseased person be kept in a secluded place where there is no much contact with the other members of the family until completely cured since it spreads super fast. If your child is affected, they may be crankier and lethargic than usual, also have fever and headache. This could be stressful for the parents too. Remember to keep the child from school until the pox has formed a thick crust and started fading away so that the other kids are not infected with chickenpox.

Let’s talk about some quick homemade remedies here to ease out the irritation and dryness it causes.

Home Remedies for Chickenpox

1. Honey

Honey has a lot of benefit on the skin as it contains many anti-bacterial substances that can act as an amazing relief on chickenpox affected skin. Plus since this is one of the most commonly found ingredients in a kitchen, it is easier for use. Due to the viscosity and its protection against oxidation, it reduces itchiness caused by chickenpox and eliminated blister at the same time. Directly use a layer of raw honey on the affected skin on a daily basis.

2. Baking Soda

Again another easily found ingredients which can have magical affect on a soar skin is baking soda. It speeds up the treatment of chickenpox. You do not have to prepare anything but just take half a spoon of it in a bowl and add a cup of water and mix. Dip a cotton ball and apply it gently over the skin throughout. Or, you can take a bath with this liquid added to the water in a bit more concentrated way

3. Brown Vinegar

Health benefits of brown vinegar is still unknown to a lot of people. It has a lot more than just cooking advantages. The acetic acid in this vinegar can stop the development of virus and eliminate it quicker. Not just this, you will be surprised to know it helps in preventing the chickenpox to turn into scars after the treatment. All you need to do is mix this brown vinegar with water in a 1:2 ratio in a small bowl and could be mixed in the bath water for ease.

4. Green Pea

Green pea which we love usually in our meals is a great healer for this disease. Green pea can act as a remedy to chickenpox as it can overcome most of its symptoms. Surely, this is something that is readily available in our refrigerators or nearby stores. Green Peas helps the itchiness to disappear caused by chickenpox.

Take a small bowl of green peas and in a saucepan boil with water. When the peas become soft let it cool. You can soak your body in this mixture in order to ease the irritation from the chickenpox triggered.

5. Essential oil

Image Source: Pixabay.com

There are a lot of essential oil which not only help reduce the itchiness but also lets the scars cure or restrict the boils to leave any scar on the skin.

  • 2 drops of Lavender oil with 1 cup of bath salt helps remove the irritation.
  • Melaleuca (R) can as well have a soothing effect on the affected skin. 5-10 drops of this with calamine lotion can work very well on the affected skin.
  • German Chamomile (R) oil has several medicinal benefits too. 5-10 drops of this with calamine lotion can help you to benefit some relief from chickenpox.
  • Neem oil (R) again has a magical effect on the chickenpox affected skin. Use it daily to get some relief from irritation and itchiness.

These are some easily available ingredients that you can seek relief from immediately for chickenpox affected areas.

If you take proper care and remedies, it should not be as bad as we imagine. Highly recommended to keep the house clean especially where the infected person is lying and whatever he/she touches. Use a disinfectant to maintain hygiene and reduce risk of spreading chickenpox.

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