25 Manners Every Kid Should Know

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know

It’s not what happens to you but how you react; matters! Kids are pretty much ready to be molded the way we want them. As a parent, it becomes our duty to teach the right manners for kids. You cannot be proud of your kid’s attitude or be ignorant to their impolite behavior. Yes, you could be a super busy parent, but your kid’s upbringing is your primary responsibility. I could relate this to my own childhood when I was hardly 7-8 years old, and my mom who was a school teacher, used to keep very busy even when she returned home from school. As a woman, she did not want to compromise on any of her daily chores.

Sometimes while playing with me, she used to say things that really pleased me – “May I please go and quickly make tea for myself?” The moment I say yes, she would say “Thank you, darling!” I used to feel adored by her etiquette and gradually learnt it too. Seeking permission is a very vital part of a mannered conversation. We forget in our daily hustle bustle on how such small words and sentences could make our lives simpler. And you raise a polite well-mannered kid if you reinforce these 25 must-do manners every kid should know.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: dialmformom.com

1. Thank-You

Showing gratitude is always in fashion! When you receive something, say “Thank-you”!

2. Please

When asking for something, say “Please”.

3. Apologize

Say the golden 5 letter word “Sorry” if you have done something wrong or offended someone.

4. Do not interrupt the elders unless there is an emergency.

We can understand that elders keep chitchatting, but your kid should know to wait and show patience. He will be noticed and responded when they are done talking. Do not butt in the elders’ conversation.

5. Excuse-me?

If you cannot wait, have something urgent to share, say “Excuse-me” as you might not just get their attention but also a polite way to enter any conversation.

6. Greet

Greet people with a smile and wish them morning/ afternoon or evening when you see them the first time in a day.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: desibucket.com

7. When in doubt, ask

Always ask for permission when you are in doubt of a situation or how to react. One does not regret in this fashion.

8. Negate Negativity

Do not speak about your dislikes outright to random group or adults. You can always discuss your negative opinions to your circle of friends.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: happyfamily.com

9. Compliment vs. Comments

Teach your kid to not comment on other people’s physical appearance or characteristics. Compliments are always welcome though.

10. Reciprocate

On being asked “how are you” answer them with gratitude and in return ask them how they are doing.

11. Extended Thank-you (s)

If you have spent time at your friend’s place, always show some gratefulness to their parents as well. Thank their parents for hosting you and appreciate that you had a great time.

12.Knock, Knock!

Found a door closed? Do not barge-in; knock to find out if there is a response before entering.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: freepik.com

13. Know when in public

Do not scream or shout in public. Talk in a very gently and low pitch so that the others around are not disturbed.


Do not use foul language in front of elders. They are aware of the words and would not be pleased to listen to it.

15. Do not make fun of others

Do not tease anyone, it not cool to gang up against somebody.

16. Ah-choo

Sneezing is natural but not without your hands covering the nose and mouth. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and remember not to pick your nose in public.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: staticflickr.com

17. Hold the door

As you walk through a door, wait to see if someone’s right behind. Hold it open for someone else if you can.

18. Offer help

Offer help if you can when you see an elderly person or a challenged person struggling with a thing. This is a simple manner for kids that should be taught.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: safetytown.com

19. Do a favor

When an adult asks for your help or a favor, do it without complaining with a smile.

20. Spoon, fork or a knife?

Eat your food nicely with the proper utensils. If you are unsure, ask your parent to teach you. Learn watching them eat.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: cdn.skim.gs

21. Need longer hands?

If you need anything from the table which is out of your reach, ask them to have it passed.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know22. Eat or talk?

Do not talk with your mouth full. Helps you not just to swallow the food well but also not spit food or make it clumsy with the food in your mouth.

23. Extra friends

Be friends with all not necessary to like them. Be good with everyone you meet.

24. What’s yours is mine

Share your toys with your friends while you play. Sharing helps you to grow and cooperate.

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know
Image Source: sophiemichelin.com

25. Eye contact

When someone is talking to you, look at them. Show some interest and attention on what the other person says to you.

Helping your child master these good manners for kids allows you to raise your child to be a thoughtful and a considerate one.