Wonder Weeks Chart: How to Track Babies’ Behavior


If you are a mother, in today’s technologically advanced age, you might have heard about the term “wonder weeks”. As a parent, if you have researched about the baby development and behavior, you know by now that there are many such predictable times during the first year of your baby’s life. A baby goes through a term called “sleep regression” during the first 19-20 months of their life. Sleep regression is a period of time defined when the baby or a toddler has changes in the sleep routine – which means, if he has been sleeping well at nights, suddenly starts waking up at nights. The baby as well undergoes mood swings during the “Wonder weeks”.

The term fussy or cranky behavior has its own relative degree as there is no single unit to measure it. And also, it is unique for a baby and changes over the time. Thus identifying them by their fussiness could be difficult but understanding their mood swings overall could be easier. The pattern would not be very particular or predictable during the baby’s “wonder weeks”. Parenting becomes challenging in such baby wonder weeks. There is a leap chart through which the toddler wonder week can be looked through and expected. The timeline needs to be spot on.

How To Track Babies Behavior Via Wonder Weeks Chart

To read and predict the Wonder Weeks chart, you will need to calculate the age of your baby in weeks, starting with their due date. This could vary from the day they were born. For example, if the bay was due on 10th October but born on the 13th October, your calculation of the baby’s age would be from the 10th October to read the chart.

Wonder-Weeks-ChartHow Does Wonder Week Affect Baby And Toddler Sleep

We have a sleep chart for you below to understand and predict the baby’s sleep cycle.

Wonder-Weeks-ChartPhew – Too much information to take it, right? There is more to this really, go through some of the books and websites – https://www.thewonderweeks.com/ (R) which will give you a detailed view of the Baby Wonder Weeks. Please, use the chart with reference to the wonder weeks book with all the information you need to help your baby (and yourself) through the leaps. Sometimes, only knowing when there’s a leap is not enough! you have to know what is going on inside your baby’s head in order to help him. Only using the chart is like saying: “oh my baby is sick” but you don’t know what is making him sick and you don’t know the right treatment to make him better. Before deciding that the reason your baby is cranky due to a “wonder week”, it is important to also consider whether your child could be unwell. If the baby has fever or rashes due to any reason, they will be fussy and stressed than usual.