Best Hilarious Minute To Win It Christmas Games


Everybody has smiles on their face when we talk about Christmas or holiday plans. How about we make it even more exciting this time with a lot of simple minutes to win it games for this Christmas vacation?

We have already put together some exciting games for this Christmas in the articles before, but how about some more spontaneous and quicker ones for you to be able to engage the kids and elders to enjoy the holidays as a family. Laugh and enjoy these games.

Christmas minute to win it games:

1. Snowball scoop:

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You need to have two large bowls and a few cotton balls. You will also need a salad spoon (large one preferably). Put all the cotton balls into one bowl and the player needs to hold the empty bowl on their head with one hand. Blindfold each player and give them the spoon. The game is to see how many cotton balls does the player removes from one ball to the empty bowl on head properly with spoon. Player gets either three chances or count down for a minute and compulsory to use only the spoon and no extra hand allowed. The more the cotton balls into the empty bowl on head the player wins. It will be fun to see how the players put the snowballs everywhere other than the bowl!

2. Cane the candy:

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A very interesting game where the only requirement is to have a string hung between any two objects about 4-5 feet apart and lots of candies canes. Place the candy canes in a plate besides the player. The player needs to hang minimum 3 candy canes on the string via placing the edge of the cane’s hooked part in a minute. (You can use the hand here in this game).

3. Stack the cups:

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A fun and intense game, where you are given a bunch of cups to stack. You get to stack this ONLY WITH ONE HAND in a minute! Make the stack with cups taller in a minute to win it.

4. Wreath the Marshmallows:

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Put marshmallows in a bowl and keep it aside. Place a bucket in a distance and hang/ attach a wreath (medium size) right above it. The player needs to throw the marshmallows (one by one) THROUGH THE WREATH into the bucket within a minute. The player with the maximum number of marshmallows into the bucket via the wreath wins.

5. Stick the pompom:

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Attach a pompom to a 10-inch length string. Apply some Vaseline or grease to the nose or the forehead. Now the player needs to hold this pompom with their mouth/ teeth and flip it in such a fashion that the pompom sticks to the nose or the forehead. Of course, all this has to happen in a minute WITHOUT using the hand. It really is harder to do than you can think about it.

6. Wiggle giggle:

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Place a cookie on your forehead and do everything from wiggle to giggle and try to get it down to your mouth within a minute WITHOUT any external support. It would be super fun to see the player making all awkward faces to win this game (and a good face muscle exercise).

7. Wreath garland:

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Make pair to play. For this game you need a wreath (big enough for a person to put in onto their shoulder via head). The first player needs to hold the wreath and as the timer goes ON, needs to put it onto his head. The second player has to now get it out of the first ones head to their own WITHOUT using hands. The team to have exchanged it the maximum number of time in a minute wins it. Enjoy some excellent moves your guests have!

8. Snow ball fall:

For this game, you need 3-4 pedestals, a ping pong ball, a bucket to hold the balls and 3 snow balls. Arrange the pedestals one besides the other with about a feet or two apart. Place one snowball on each pedestal. The players need to be in teams of 2. The duo needs to knock off the balls from the pedestals with the ping pong ball from a distance.

9. Pile the Bolts:

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You will need some big bolts (15 in number so that a couple of players can play together) and a candy cane for this game. On a plain surface, the player has to deck the bolts one over the other vertically WITH only one hand in a minute. The maximum stacked bolts player wins the game.

10. Suck and drop:

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You need a cardboard tube, a bowl of ornaments and a 3 feet string hung between 2 objects. The player has to suck the ornament from the bowl via the tube and take it along until the ornament is hung on the string. A player who gets the maximum ornaments hung wins.

11. Candy Catch:

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Place two chairs at a 5 feet distance apart. Tie two strings at a feet distance between the two chairs. The players have to get up and stand on the chair and drop the candy canes in order for them to get stuck on the string in a minute. The player to have the maximum number of candies on the string wins. One of the most difficult minute to win it games for teens.

12. Candy cane relay:

The player has to hold the candy cane in their mouth and form a loop by holding another one with it. Team of two where both hold the candy cane and must pass the extra hooked candy cane. The player to pass the maximum number of candy canes in a minute wins.

13. Balance the ornament:

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Hang a string between the two objects. You can keep a length of the string for about 5 feet. Get lots of ornaments and the players have to play with their partner. See how many ornaments each team can balance and place it on the string WITHOUT using the hands in a minute. The one with max ornaments balanced, wins.

14. Penguin Walk:

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The players have to walk from one end of the room to another, but with a balloon between their legs. The player has to start over if the balloon falls. The player to finish it first within a minute wins.

15. Build a snowman:

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Make a team of 2 and give the specifications to make a snow man. The players have a minute to build the best snowman.

16. Hanging donuts:

This game requires donuts and string. Hang the donuts one after the other with strings and let the kids jump to eat them within a minute WITHOUT using their hands (hands to be tied up). The first one to finish wins.

17. Reindeer Poop:

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Yeah, a fun game for kids. Make cocoa puffs and sprinkle them all over the lawn. The kids have a minute to collect the poop in a container with a plastic spoon. The most collected poop kid wins.

18. Memory Game:

Have 10 sets of grouped items ready for display. For example Pine cone, candy cane, ornaments, Santa cap, bell, wretch, candle, ball, sock and stars in one place. Similarly group few more sets of 10 items. Keep them closed with a cloth on top. Start the timer for a minute, display the item for 10 seconds and close it back again. Hand over a pen and a paper to the players and let them jot down what they saw in 50 seconds only. The player to have written the most correct answer wins.

19. Unwrap the gift:

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Split the players in a group of 2. Have a box and a wrapping paper. The game starts when the first player wraps the gift and unwraps to pass it to the next player. This continues for a minute to see how many times the teams have been able to wrap and unwrap. The team to have wrapped and unwrapped the gift maximum number of times in a minute wins it.

20. Christian Christmas Games:

a. Christmas charades: Have a Christmas carol to be enacted within a minute.

b. Name that tune: Play the holiday tune and have the team to guess the name of the song. To make it even further challenging, you can ask for the name of the artist to earn extra points. Give only a minute to guess it.

c. Christmas Limbo: Play it like a traditional limbo but use a sparkling garland instead and see how your guests go about it in a minute.

d. Christmas A-Z: Distribute paper and a pen to each participant and ask them to write down one Christmassy thing that they can remember with each alphabet in a minute. The maximum correct answers to win.

e. Christmas Pictionary: You need a board or a paper and pen to play this game. Give off some Christmas related things to draw and explain in a minute’s time.

Read more about the other activities you could do this Christmas here.