Childhood Asthma: Things You Must Know to Help Your Kids


The very common question among parents is “what is childhood asthma”. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects children more than adults! Childhood asthma is considered to be the most common chronic condition among the kids under the age of 18. The symptom of childhood asthma in children is usually to do with wheezing, sneezing, chronic or a recurrent cough, chest tightness or shortness of breath.

Asthma in children causes them to have less stamina as compared to the other kids, and hence eventually they avoid any physical activity due to wheezing, coughing and breathlessness. Not every asthmatic kid would be expected to have the same symptoms. But, the symptoms of childhood asthma tend to differ from time to time in the kid’s life as they grow up. For example, a kid might have an asthmatic attack during the play hours or even could happen while they cry or laugh. Childhood asthma is known to have multiple causes which suggest, one child could have possibly two or more reasons to suffer from asthma.

Diagnosis For Childhood asthma:

Child asthma can be fatal if not properly treated. If childhood asthma is left neglected, children potentially complain about the chest pain too. But honestly, as we already said, diagnosing asthma is tricky because it might have two or more causes in one kid. By this, we mean that no one-single test provides all the answers.

Symptoms of Asthma in children:

It is recommended to note the signs of asthma in children as soon as the parent sees abnormalities in breathing or lifestyle.

  • Coughing is the most common sign of asthma in children.
  • Wheezing is the worst enemy of children with asthma.
  • Abnormalities or difficulties in breathing for kids.
  • Chest pain or discomfort and tightness.
  • Unable to have a lot of interest in sports or physical activity, uneasiness.

The symptoms could be very mild for the children but can cause a sudden trigger of it at night and gets worse at certain times. Severe asthma attacks can be life-threatening, creating frequent trips to the emergency room. Sometimes, there is no improvement even after using a quick-relief inhaler.


Causes of Asthma:

  • Since asthma causes narrowing down the Airway (passage for Air from nose and mouth to lung) due to swelling, allergens or any irritation cause, then things which enter the lungs can cause asthma symptoms.
  • A very shocking fact that was surveyed out that more than 2 million children who suffer from asthma attacks live in the areas with a falling grade of ozone levels.
  • To a large extent, the risk of asthma in kids has been attributed to local irritants including the passive smoking (secondhand cigarette smoke), mold, dust mites, rat, cockroaches, and air pollution.
  • It is also said that viral infections such as a common cold can trigger asthma.
  • Excessive physical activity can be one of the causes of asthma.
  • Weather change or cold air in many can cause or trigger asthma.
  • Early exposure to pet and pest allergens has been noted to lower down the risk of asthma.
  • Researchers think some genetic factors are also involved for example; the kid might inherit asthma from the parents having asthma.

Tests to diagnose and supervise asthma:

For kids only five years or above, doctors can diagnose and monitor asthma. With the same test that is used for adults, childhood asthma can be diagnosed. Spirometry and peak flow meters are used to diagnose. It is the measure of how much air can be forced out of lungs quickly and a sign of how well the lungs are functioning.

  • Peak Flow Meter

The peak flow meter for asthma acts like a thermometer for fever. The doctors give a portable hand-held device called peak flow meter and measure the working of the lungs of the kid. The exhalation of air by the kid is noted. Low readings indicate the worsening of asthma and the high rate means they are doing just okay. This helps the treatment to be adjusted according to the asthma flare-up.

What does it do?

  • Helps in determining the severity of an asthma attack in a child.
  • Keeps a check on the response to the treatment of chronic childhood asthma.
  • Detects when the lungs are worsening the functions and avoid any flare-up situation.

How does peak flow meter work?

  • Make sure the device is set to zero and reset at its base level.
  • Let the child stand up (unless they have any disability).
  • Ask your kid to take a deep breath to the maximum possible.
  • Place the meter in the mouth of the kid and ask them to close the lips around the mouthpiece.
  • Ask the child to blow hard out and fast the breath into the peak flow meter.
  • Ask them to control a cough or spit or the tongue to block the mouthpiece.
  • Remove and write down the reading.
  • Repeat two times a day and record the highest number in the chart.

Note that, all the three recordings must be about the same value to show that the efforts have been put correctly. Follow the clear instruction of the peak flow meter and make sure to keep it safe.

Facts Of Asthma And Impact Of Asthma In Children:

Wondering what causes asthma in kids? Read below to know about what is asthma in children like.

  • Asthma symptoms in kids might not look very severe, but it requires comprehensive urgent care. Asthma in children can cause a problem in the child’s ability to sleep, play and participate in various activities in school and events.
  • Asthma symptoms in children cause them to struggle with the studies as they miss their school days.
  • If the families lack proper information, family’s support might not be enough for the kid. They might keep them from family activities.
  • Due to improper treatment of asthma, in a few cases,  it might lead to death.
  • Research in America proves that boys are more likely to have asthma in children.
  • Adults are four times more likely to die as compared to children.
  • The rate of death due to asthma is higher in the age of 18 years or older.
  • African-Americans are more prone to asthma and are three times more likely to die from asthma.
  • It has been noted that since 2000, the number of people with asthma has grown by 30 percent. This means the cost of asthma has also increased.
  • The overall cost of asthma is not just costly due to medicines or hospitals but also due to the indirect costs like missed work days and lack of productivity.

A cure for asthma?

  • There is ideally no cure for asthma but just that it can be managed by taking proper precautions and treatments.
  • It has been found out that asthma is prevalent in America however it is also considered to be a costly disease.
  • Treating asthma in kids aging 5 to 11 requires a particular technique. One needs to track and read the symptoms to adjust the treatment
  • Children asthma can be managed by helping the kids to stay organized. You can help your kid to manage their asthma by basic means. This means, a plan to measure and keep a check on asthma to see if in control. This helps you to know what your next step should be.
  • Record the peak flow meter readings: maintain a peak flow reading copy where you can have the measured written. Low measures mean that the lung is not well to do as it should have been. You know now that asthma is getting worse and you need to take proper precautions.
  • Use quick-relief medicines to avoid any uncontrolled situation due to childhood asthma.

It is also possible that childhood asthma symptoms that start in a kid can disappear when they grow up in life. Sometimes, asthma symptoms just go temporarily only to return later in life. Consult with a doctor for your kid and help the doctor to monitor signs by the above methods.