10 Fun Activities For Kids After School


The actual learning is after school for kids. It is no secret that after-school activities for kids do wonders in their overall development. The overall development that we speak about is linked in improving social skills, overall coordination, grades, self-respect, relationship and much more to it.

There are many things to do after school that helps your kids to enjoy and turn a boring afternoon into an awesome time to learn and grow. This time helps them to free themselves from the structured learning at school and put on their creativity cap. The learning in the school is pretty much in a schedule always, where you have to primarily sit down and follow the instructions from the teacher.

There isn’t left with much time to be creative for the kids to do something else and enjoy. thus, after school activities gives that gateway to do what they like.

Some Great Ideas to get your get Started with Fun Things to do After School:

1. Indulge in some Great Snack art:

ImageSource: craftyrecipes.com, hiveminer.com

Kids are usually hungry after school and want to have something different yet tasty. This is the best time to indulge the kids in understanding what they want to eat and to make the food interesting by having them to be involved in the kitchen. Time to make some healthy amazing fun recipes for kids.

2. Pull out the Chalk:

ImageSource: justmakeitbetter.com

when kids stay all day in the school, they surely do not want to do the same after coming back home. Instead, let them have some creative time by sketching or or or using the talk to draw that doesn’t require them to think usually. It can also help them to practice words or shapes and have fun.

3. Dress up and Act:

ImageSource: cardiganempire.com

Kids are always in their imaginary world, and keep the creative juices flowing all day. Give them a chance to write about their own thoughts and make it as their mini-production. It would be great if parents as well join them up by dressing up like a character and have fun.

4. Serve up a Tasty Snack:

ImageSource: nickelodeonparents.com

Food is always something that’s on top of our kids had all day. They could even walk in the corridor and come back running saying they are hungry. The first thing that comes into the mind after coming back home is to eat and not talk. Surprise them with a fun and healthy after school snack with a mocktail drink in a special glass. The healthy snacks does not have to be boring, you make a 100% full fruit juice or a smoothie along with oatmeal chocolate chip muffin for your little one.

5. Non-Electronic Time Out:


Everybody is busy all time looking into mobile phones, answering to the emails, chatting, or listening to songs on headphones. But, you must call it a non-electronic day at least twice a week when you talk to your kids about having any other fun than using the electronic items. This is the best opportunity for the parents to let their kids speak to them about anything they want. Encourage them to open up and also start an open-ended conversation or discussion such that it opens lines of communication for future conversations with your child.

6. Reading Challenge:


You must make a habit for your kid to read. What better than making it a fun activity? Send happy in reading all throughout the day in the school, you do not want to pressurize them to do the same again after coming back home. Get some interesting colorful books for the kids to indulge into reading and see yourself if the child is able to read a certain amount of books. To make it more fun you can have prices for their milestones.

7. Customized Railroad Adventure for kids:

ImageSource: msangesclassblog.blogspot.in

Do you have a painter’s tape at your place? Utilize it for Kids fun by taking it on the carpet to make their play railroad. Make some amazing buildings on the way with Lego and let your train travel downtown making it more creative with the kids.

8. Foam Game for kids:

ImageSource: aplus.com

The Messy game where kids could have that one with the rainbow foam. It is a great sensory activity for your child that makes sure not to create a lot of mess. Use dish soap so that you are convinced that little one could also wash their snack bowl. You need 2 tablespoon of Dish soap along with water and some food coloring.

Mix all of these in a bowl and at the desired color. Allow it to settle for a couple of minutes, the phone should be able to form stiff peaks and hold their shape. Scoop out into your container and repeat until you have the desired amount of form required for your kid to have fun. Remember to check if your child is sensitive to any of the content. You can always substitute the dish soap with bubble bath and follow the same recipe.

9. Take the kids Homework to Park:

ImageSource: fishpond.com

Try this when the kids have too much of homework the next time. Activities for your tires after school must always include their homework but not necessarily that it has to be boring. You can go to the playground and every two math problem could be solved with two minutes of swing or going down the slide. Kid’s brain works faster when it is active and they are more likely to finish your homework even before they could complain. Let us know if you have tried this with your little one and if it worked for you.

10. Blow Bubbles:


Simple things can also give a lot of pleasure and sense of satisfaction after a long day at school. No kid can resist blowing bubbles. It is relaxing and everyone likes to open up more once relaxed, helping the child to rejuvenate and have a brilliant day ahead.