Delicious And Healthy Mango Puree For Babies


Mango Puree for babies is an excellent source of vitamins for your little one. The luscious tropical fruit which is packed with Vitamin A is a yummy treat for babies who are 9 months old or above.

Is Mango Puree Good For Babies?

Yes, mango is the healthiest fruits you could offer to your baby. It also helps in protecting the eyesight, fights the microbial infections along with various other benefits mentioned below. Mango promotes epithelial function in the body and helps in reducing the microbial attack. This is a low acid fruit that does not add to infant reflux.

Did you know that mangoes are nicknamed as the “King of all fruits”? Yes, indeed, it is because of all the health benefits of it. Mangoes are low in fat and low in calories but have a high content of fiber which makes it an excellent food for our body. It also has Vitamin C and B along with some iron, potassium and protein content in it. Mango has higher levels of carotenoids (R) as compared to any other fruits. Carotenoids are said to reduce the risk of cancer as well as any heart disease and also thought to be successful in warding off the common cold. It helps with brain function, boosts immunity, and has copper and magnesium which help in aiding digestion. This fruit also contains glutamine acid that helps in improving the little one’s memory and concentration. Mango for baby’s constipation is a great solution due to the high fiber content.

Mango puree recipe for babies is a 5 minutes baby food which is a great way to introduce babies to the magical taste of one of the yummiest and healthiest fruits. The bonus with mango puree is that it is a no-cook, easy-peasy puree and one-dish recipe that you could make at home. The easiest way to make homemade mango baby food is to simply smash some really ripe mango with a fork and serve it to the little one.

When Can You Introduce Mango For Baby?

Mangoes can be introduced to the baby diet once the babies are 9 months old as it is not a great first food for them. Some babies might get diarrhea or rashes if introduced early. When you introduce mango puree for baby, start with mango puree mashed or cut into tiny pieces for your baby to take in easily and in smaller quantities initially. Consult the baby’s pediatrician and consider any history of family allergy before introducing it to your baby.

One Cup of Sliced Mango Contains:



Vitamin A – 1262 IU

Vitamin C – 45.7 mg

Vitamin E – 1.85 mg

Vitamin K – 6.9 mg

Folate (important during pregnancy) – 23 mcg


Potassium – 257 mg

Phosphorus – 18 mg

Calcium – 16 mg

Magnesium – 22 mg

Sodium – 3 mg

Also contains trace amounts of zinc, iron, manganese and copper.

Choosing storage for Mangoes:

Mangoes are not one of the “dirty zone” foods that are contaminated with pesticides. Even then, purchasing organic ones is your choice. When selecting the mangoes, they must be slightly soft and a bit fragrant. The fruit can be checked by gently pushing with your thumb. Mangoes could be green, reddish orange or even golden bright yellow orange in color.

There are plenty of varieties of mango. The skin of the mango must have uniform color and without any signs of bruising or might have little brown dots on it. Can you freeze mango puree for babies? Yes, you can freeze mango puree leftover in BPA-free containers. Keep the fruits separately in different containers. Do not freeze the defrosted fruit recipe ever. The mango puree can be frozen up to 3-4 weeks.

Mango Puree Recipe:


  • This is a ripe mango recipe. Use the knife to serrate edges to slice the thickest part of the mango on either side. Cut the pieces as close as possible to the pit and make three horizontal and vertical cuts down to the peel but just before you cut the peel too. Scoop out the flesh without the peel with a spoon easily. Puree the mango in the food processor or blender until it turns out to be a thick smooth paste. Add water if needed so as to get the desired consistency. This fruit tastes great without any additive sweetener or flavor.
  • You could add the mango puree with


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Apple sauce
  • Pear
  • Butternut squash
  • Banana
  • Baby oatmeal
  • Full-fat Greek yogurt
  • Turkey
  • Vanilla yogurt
  • Avacado
  • Blueberries
  • Peaches
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Melons

5 Tips On Feeding Mango To Baby:

  1. You must feed your baby mango if they are already on solid and semi-solid food.
  2. You must ensure that the mango is thoroughly mashed and avoid any fiber.
  3. Fibers in the mango could make it difficult for the babies to swallow difficult.
  4. Usually, the unripe mangoes are sour and are a little difficult for the babies to digest them.
  5. Check if your baby is showing allergies to mangoes.

Mango Allergies in Babies:

Mango being a tropical fruit, they tend to be allergenic to young babies. Hence mango as baby’s first food does not make a point. The allergenic reaction to mango in babies is rare and they are not lethal. In case the baby has an atopic reaction to mangoes, they might have rashes around the mouth or the bottom. The rashes look like poison ivy.

If your family has a history of allergy to mangoes or nuts, you must take precautionary measures while trying it on your baby. If your baby’s digestive system is not yet matured, it could lead to diarrhea due to the high fiber content.

Mango puree for babies is a quick and deliciously full of nutrition food for your baby. Please write to us via the comment’s section, and let us know if your baby likes mango puree recipe. We love to hear from you.