Best Board Games For Kids To Play


Board games for kids are super fun and also and an inexpensive way to entertain the whole family together while you as well spend quality time indoors or outdoors. Especially on a rainy day, fun board games serve as the kid’s best friend.

The best part about top board fames for kids is that it keeps them away from screen for a few hours. Best board games range from classic word games, scrabble to monopoly. Now is the time to get your children out of the screen to get involved in the real time, face-to-face game fun. While some games are designed for a few players like 2 or 3, there are other board games which are designed for entire family.

1. Hasbro Monopoly Electronic Banking Board Game:


Kids and adults both like to play this game. Monopoly is one of the most popular games which are available in the market today. This game is played worldwide in every nation. It is a fast dealing property trading game that goes high tech with all the new banking units which are electronic ones. You could store millions just with a swipe of your band card and keep stacking all the transactions, track cash and collect enough properties to win the game. A great game for two to four players which requires 2 batteries of AAA type to play. This game board is even though considered to be a fun for kid, it is also enjoyed equally by the adults. And this electronic game is no different to the traditional Monopoly board game.

2. Robort Turtles Game:


This game is for the little ones who are ready to learn and programme their way into the codes. The backed board game in Kickstarter history sneakily teaches preschoolers the fundamentals of the programming from functions to coding, making silly turtle noises. Won’t that be enough fun? Before you even realize, your little one would start writing computer games while they also play them.

3. Carcassonne:


The best family board game which is a tile-placement game where the players place tile within a piece of southern French Landscape. With no reading involved, the map allows you to make strategy game which can be played by the kids of all age. A tile can represent a city, road, grassland etc. and it has to be arranged adjacent to the other tiles like it extends the existing cities and roads etc. having arranged a tile, the player gets to be a knight and a robber on the road or a peasant to continue the game. The game continues further until the last tile has been placed. This game can be played by 8+ ages and from 2-5 players together for 30-90 minutes.

4. Hoot Owl Hoot:


The award winning color-coded cooperative matching game where players must help the owl fly back to their pretty nest before the sun comes up. Play the color card and fly to the space and draw a sun card such that you are one step closer to the daylight. Help all the owls get back to their home before the sun rises and others win. Two levels of play allow this game to grow with your child. This game serves good for 4+ years of kids.

5. Life:


The classic board game which breaks down an entire lifespan into a series of chances and choices. Earn the valuable life tiles by doing good deeds. Spin it and it could bring vast riches. You could retire with the biggest fortune and one of the most popular games in the family game category.

6. Elementos:


Elementos was originally made as a Kickstarter campaign that exploded in popularity. It is a good short game for kids where each match lasts around fifteen minutes. The simple game which is based on the mechanics of Rock-Paper-Scissors, Elementos makes use of the concept of three elements (fire, tree and water) overcoming each other to create an interesting, exciting and thoughtful head to head challenge.

7. Exploding Kittens:


Exploding Kittens is an amazing card game which lets you play by putting a deck of cards face down. Players easily keep drawing cards when someone draws an exploding kitten, they pop out and get out of the game. Unless they possess a defused card. The objective of the game is to use the mitigate, defuse and move cards to avoid the kittens from exploding. The game is different and a fresh breath of air from the usual traditional board game.

8. Sagrada by Floodgate Game:


Sagrada is one of the best board games which is great for both children and adults alike who enjoy problem solving and puzzles. It could be one of the more innovative games to hit its stride in 2017. Players take the role of master artesian designing their ambitious work yet- a stained glass window for Sargada Familia. Colored dice makes the stained-glass material which can be placed accordingly to the needs of the windows. The artist that comes up completing the window successfully with the highest score wins the game. It is easy to describe bit requires some forethought on what exact color and number should go in and this game is relatively quick play at 30 minutes. There is a higher replay value as the game changes with each round. A game for 9+ ages for the kids promotes creativity, strategy, and problem solving.

9. Chinese Checkers:


Whether it is a marble game or the star-shaped board game, kids love to play this game which is similar to checkers. A classic coffee table game where the players move game pieces from one side of the board to the opposite side before the opponent does it. The game is suitable for 5+ kids.

10. Pandemic:


The original Pandemic is one of the best board game which is also a worldwide best seller. With about an hour game length on an average, it is a great one for children with busy lifestyles. Pandemic Legacy Season 1 had both to play the original game and the once you are comfortable, it pulls up the difficulty notch. This acts like a truly cooperative game where you all win and lose together. 4 diseases broken out in the world and it is up to your team of specialists in various fields to find cure for these diseases before the mankind gets wiped off. Players are supposed to play together their character’s strength and plan their strategy of eradication before the disease spreads the world and overwhelms with its increasing outbreaks. With loads of great expansion packs, the game is never to get too old. Perfect board games for kids above 13 years of age.

11. Dominion:


Dominion is a great board game for kids where it is a role play letting you to be the monarch of a peasant kingdom with beautiful rivers and forests. The objective of the game lies to expand the territory while also building a Dominion. The challenge is to beat the other monarch while you build yours with the game plans. It is an addictive and captivating card game that lets the entire family enjoy and play together. Best suitable board game for kids above 13 years of age and keep you busy minimum for 30 minutes.

12. Ticket to Ride:


This is the best board games for kids where a cross-country train adventure takes about to celebrate Fogg’s impetuous and lucrative gamble to travel “Around the World in 80 Days” by proposing a new wager. The stake is about a $ million prize as the winner-takes-all competition. The objective of the board game is to see who could travel by rail and to most of the cities in North America in just 7 days. This ticket to ride game can be played by 2 or more players. There are 225 colored different train cards and players have to collect cards that allow them to use the different railway routes connecting to the various cities across the USA. This ticket to ride board game comes to with a complete detailed game card, board and helping card, rules, train miniatures and much more to it.

13. Spot it:


The Spot It is one of the best board games for kids which is the simplest one yet a very popular one for all ages. The 55 circular cards that can be played with having each decorated with 8 symbols varying size and orientation. The aim of the game is to be the first one to spot the one symbol in common between two or more cards. The cards change with every single match made and thus challenges you to remain focused to keep up with it. Do not be fooled. It is not a simple one as it sounds here. Perfect game for the travel with kids or playing anywhere on the go. The kids above 6 years of age can play this game.

14. Hedbanz:


The Hedbanz is best children’s board games which is not only fun but also is a brain teaser one. It is a goofy guessing game of “Who am I?” this game begins when the player puts a headband with a picked up card an attaches it to the head band. The player now faces the other player as the game starts. Players then ask for yes or no questions to find out who and what they are – could be an animal, an object or any fruit or vegetable. Be the first one to guess what you are and win the game.

15. Chess:


Hasn’t this always been the smartest of the games to play? Start the kids early on this classic strategy game and you might just find a prodigy kid of your own. Players strategically move chess piece and put your opponent in checkmate. This game is perfect for kids about 10 years of age.

16. Splendor:


One of the most mysterious board games for kids where players play a wealthy renaissance merchant and acquire mines and transportation along with creating the most fantastic jewelry becoming the best-known merchant. Acquire the precious stones to trade them for development cards and use the development cards to get some more of gem stones. You could use your gems and gold to create the most fantastic jewelry that appeals to the nobles to gain the prestige you need to win. A board game for kids above 10 years of age that will get them making strategies and planning to another level.

17. Codename:


The codename is a great board game which has two rival spymasters who both know the secret identities and code names of the 25 agents. The two teams compete against one another to contact their agents first through the clues that their masters have provided. The teammates have to take a guess the right names based on the clues while they also try to avoid assassins. You could win or lose the game, but you are sure to enjoy this social word game. The kids above 14 years of age can play this game and solve the mystery.

18. A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition:


King Robert Baratheon dies and the land of Westeros is all geared up for a battle. In the Game of Thrones Board Game, players take up the role of the great houses of the seven kingdom of Westeros that they vie for and control of the Iron Throne through warfare. The strategy that you have to choose and the sweet words or diplomacy to influence the Westeros and claim the Throne matters. Players must be 14 or above aged to play this game and takes about 120-240 minutes keeping the kids busy in war strategic planning.

19. War of the Ring:


In the war of the ring board game, one player takes the control of Free Peoples (FP) and the other controls the Shadow Armies (SA). The huge map of the Middle Earth lies on the table of the board game. There are multiple miniatures; more than 200 figures each representing the Fellowship, the Witch King, the Nazgul. The game takes your children into the story of the Lord of the Rinds where it makes the kids enjoy the ideal book movie game. Kids above 13 years of age can enjoy this and keep busy for more than 150-180 minutes.

20. Apples to Apples:


Apples to apples is a great top rated party board game for kids to play. There are 2 decks of cards named as “things” and “descriptions”. An active player picks up a “description” card featuring an adjective while the rest of the players secretly choose the “thing” card matching the adjective. The active player then reveals the card that they hold and decides which of the “things” card is the most matching to the adjective. The winner becomes the next active player and the game continues. This is best for kids more than 4-5 in number and can go up to 10 players at a time playing. This game helps the kids to improve literacy and creativity at the same time.