How to Deal With Constipation in Babies?

How to Deal With Constipation in Babies

Does your child suffer from constipation quite frequently? Wondering what to do if your 1-month-old baby is constipated? The constipation problem in infants can be due to lots of reasons. While the condition isn’t life-threatening, it is always best to consult a doctor if it is persistent.

Constipation in babies is usually common and the result of stool retention. Constipation in babies is a condition affecting the digestive system that causes bowel movements to become infrequent and hard to pass.

In this article, we will throw light on the causes as well as the home remedies to fight with constipation in infants.

Why Does Constipation in Babies?

The infants who consume breast milk may not have a proper bowel movement every day as it absorbs all the nutrition. Constipation in babies occurs due to too much water absorption from the food.

In some infants, it totally depends upon the lifestyle they have. Physical inactivity, medication also play an important aspect in some babies for developing constipation. The improper development of the digestive system of babies also affects the condition.

There may be an ample number of reasons behind the question ”why constipation in babies occur?” but what matters is that we should know the cause and how to deal with it.

Symptoms of Constipation in Babies:

Symtoms of Constipation in Babies

Let’s jot down some of the symptoms we get to see in case of constipation in babies that impacts their bowel movement.

  • Passing hard stool
  • Stomach ache
  • Blood in stool
  • Stomach cramps
  • Losing appetite
  • Feeling bloated and nauseous
  • Pain and straining in bowel movement
  • The excessive time needed to pass a bowel movement

Check Out These Home Remedies for Constipation In Babies.

What are the Causes of Constipation in Babies?

It is always easy to figure out the bowel movement in adult, but what about babies? what are the causes of constipation in babies?

Let us take a look at some of the probable ones, shall we?

1. Physical Inability in Babies:

Physical Inability in Babies

Constipation occurs in case your baby is too inactive physically. Physical inability in babies lowers down the metabolism rate in their body which develops constipation. The babies who are physically active and play around more are less likely going to experience constipation in comparison to the ones who aren’t that active.

The physical inability in babies also disturbs in developing the digestive system.

2. Diet in Babies:

Diet in Babies

Lack of fiber in the diet of a baby is not good, as it leads to constipation. Eating too much rice cereal is one of the most common causes of constipation.

Too much of eating rice cereals leads to degrading the immune system and digestive system of the baby. Foods with fewer fibers and high in fat foods result in constipation in the babies.

The diet of the mom also plays an important part in causing constipation in babies as the baby breastfeeds from the mom.

3. Dehydration in Babies:

Dyhrdation in Babies

Not drinking enough water is one of the reasons for constipation in babies. If you find that your baby is gaining weight in a healthy way, there’s not much to worry about but if that isn’t the case, it is best to consider this as a cause behind constipation.

If the baby is incorrectly consuming the ratio of powder milk and water, the imbalance leads to dehydration. This is thus something you definitely need to

4. Milk:


The babies who go for powder milk are more likely going to develop constipation than who are breastfed. The reason behind this is the imbalance between the powder and water.

For some babies, cow milk or milk products do not go well with the digestive system of their body. If the baby has milk protein allergy or intolerance, then the baby might suffer from constipation.

5. Medication in Babies:

Medication in Babies

A lot of medications have constipation as a side effect. Certain calcium medicines also result in developing constipation. The pediatrician of your baby can guide you well in spotting the medication that could be causing the problem.

Before giving any medication to your baby, just refer to your pediatrician. Medication can even alter your immunity which is another reason why you need to be careful.

6. Change in Lifestyle:

Change in Lifestyle

While traveling, the normal routine of your babies change. This affects the digestive system and results in constipation.

The food pattern and times vary as per the lifestyle. Sleeping routine, going to the toilet at different times, etc. also raise the risks of constipation. Over the course of time in each developmental stage, there are chances of developing constipation.

A bit of change from the regular routine of the baby can be one of the reasons behind constipation.

7. Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Babies:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome in BabiesBabies who develop irritable bowel syndrome are more prone to constipation. It causes abdominal pain, irregular bowel habits, and alternative diarrhea and constipation. The excessive time needed to pass bowel leads to constipation in babies.

8. Toilet:


Toilet training is the most often reported cause behind constipation. It can be challenging for some parents to take this as a cause for constipation and giving toilet training to their babies.

Research supports that stool toileting refusal occurs in 1 out of every 5 babies. This leads to stool withholding behaviour and incontinence. Babies who are constipated before starting toilet training are also more difficult to train. The babies without developmental delay who do not toilet train by the age of 4 years are at more risk of suffering from constipation.

9. Transitioning to Solids:

Transitioning to Solids

Babies who are exposed to early transitioning to solid food develop constipation. The digestive system is not that capable enough to adjust with the diets of your baby yet.

The baby should not be exposed to solid foods till 6th month. After that, the mixture of solid and water can be given to your child.

10. Pre-Maturity in Babies:

Pre-Maturity in Babies

Constipation affects pre-mature babies more than full-term babies. Reason for it as the digestive system is yet to develop. A lot of complications are associated with premature babies including immature lungs, low weight gain, poor feeding, etc.

The food does not easily pass through the baby’s body and results in irregular bowel movement and hard stools. In the majority of cases, they don’t pass stool even for a longer period of time.

Foods That Cause Constipation in Babies

Food That Cause Constipation in Babies

There are some foods that are listed in causing constipation in babies. So, try to avoid such foods.

1. Raw banana:

Raw banana

Ripe banana works as an excellent food that controls constipation but the raw works just the opposite. The raw banana contains more resistance starch which is hard to digest for the baby diet. This is also rich in tannins which makes it hard to pass bowel.

2. Milk:

MilkBreast milk-fed infants are less frequently constipated than those who are formula-fed. Milk products, other than breast milk, impose a high risk of causing constipation as some infants develop protein deficiency.

Sometimes, they develop allergies or intolerance to milk or milk products. Mothers should choose the best milk before they feed their babies.

3. Rice:

RiceRice act as a solid food for babies and some babies find it hard to digest. Rice contains binding cereals which are hard to chew for the baby and leads to constipation for babies. It is best to avoid rice if you see your baby developing constipation.

4. Carrot:

CarrotCooked carrots are not safe for the babies as it develops constipation. The carrot loses the fiber content once it is cooked. Food with low fiber is not good for babies diets. It is better to prefer to give raw carrots or carrot juice than a cooked carrot.

5. Apple:

AppleApple is a well know food given to babies, but too much should be avoided as it is rich in pectin which hardens poops. Raw apple should not exposed to babies, it should be cooked or steamed before feeding the baby. Try to not give apple every day to babies. It should be given every alternate day.

6. Cheese:

CheeseThe foods rich in fats products should be avoided for babies. Cheese is very low in fiber content so that’s one contributing factor behind constipation. Cheese is made of milk product which can be a protein deficiency for some babies. Cheese is also difficult to digest for the baby and causes constipation.

7. Formula food:

Formula food

The babies who are fed with formula food more often develop constipation than who are not. Formula food consists of ingredients that do not digest properly in the baby. The imbalance between the mixture of formula food and water causes constipation.

8. Yogurt:

YogurtYogurt has too many benefits for health, but should not be frequently added in the diet of babies as it may lead to constipation. Yogurt is very low in fiber which makes it difficult for the baby to digest as it has a binding effect on food substance.

9. Potato and Fried foods:

Potato and Fried foodsTubers like potatoes have a great impact on inducing constipation if babies are fed a lot of it. Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates which is difficult to digest for babies. The intake of fried food should be reduced as this slows down the digestive process.

Home Remedies for Constipation in Babies

Check out with the home remedies for constipation and tips that the mother needs to take care of in order to make the bowel movements smooth for their babies.

1. Fiber Intake:

Fiber Intake

The diet of the baby should focus more on high fiber intake. This helps to develop a baby’s digestive system. Baby should eat 18 to 30 gm of fibers every day in thier diet.

A high fiber intake helps in passing smooth stools. Foods like a ripe banana, skinless apple, broccoli, pears, peaches, prunes etc. are rich in fibers.

2. Water:


Water is very essential for a baby to keep them hydrated throughout the day. If your baby is suffering from constipation, the best way to get rid of the same is by ensuring that you drink enough water. Hydration is key.

3. Massage:

MassageMassage is one of the best remedies to get relief from constipation of your baby. The baby needs to follow a daily routine of oil massage. Belly massage and the foot massage play a great role in relieving the gas in your baby and gets rid of constipation issues.

Stroke your hands gently and soft over your baby’s stomach and lower abdomen because that helps stimulate the bowel movement. Massage helps in strengthening the wall of colon as well as helps with regular excretion of stool.

Massage with organic coconut oil for a positive effect on dealing with constipation.

4. Bath:


Try to give a warm water bath to your baby. You need to add two spoons of baking soda to warm water and give a bath to your baby for 5-15 minis. Applying the warm moist cloth to the baby’s bottom stimulates the bowel movement.

The warm water bath helps the baby to relax and it actually works like magic in giving relief to constipation in babies. The warm bath also helps in developing the digestive capacity of your baby.

5. Routine:


The baby should follow a daily routine of lifestyle in a proper systematic manner. The mother should take care of this aspect very carefully. The baby should eat, take bath, sleep, play, etc. in set time frames through the day.

Everything in the proper time frame helps prevent the risks of constipation in the babies.

6. Solid food:

Solid food

The baby should not be exposed to any kind of solid food before 6 months. If your baby is old enough to eat a variety of solid foods, then try to avoid the food that causes constipation like raw banana, rice cereal, cooked carrot, etc.

These foods should replaced with pureed prunes, apricot, pears, skinless apple, broccoli etc. Instead of refined cereal, cooked grains such as oats, whole grain breads, crackers, bran cereals helps a lot to clear constipation.

7. Fruit Juice:

Fruit Juice

It is always better to consume fresh juice of fruits and vegetables than the cooked and processed ones. Fruit juices help in colon contraction which produces a quick bowel movement in your baby.

Fruit juices are great for keeping your baby hydrated. Studies have also proven that fruit juice contains sorbitol which is great to fight constipation in babies. Fruit juice of pears, skinless apple, prune works wonder. If your baby is constipated, first start slowly with less than 2 ounces of juice.

8. Formula food:

Formula food

The mother should take care of things while choosing the kind of formula food from market. The formula food should be as per your baby’s taste. Every baby reacts differently to different formula food.

Try to find the one that your baby likes and enjoys eating. The ratio of mixture of milk product and water should be perfect to get relief from constipation in baby. Most of the brands of formula food have a low lactose option which helps to fight constipation in babies.

8. Brown Sugar:

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar act as magic in case of giving relief to your babies suffering constipation. It has more value than white sugar. If your baby is constipated, then give brown sugar as it has the ability to boost energy levels and improves digestion.

It contains all elements of vitamins and minerals required for the baby to deal with constipation. You can mix ½ spoon of brown sugar with any of juices and give that to your baby for immediate relief from constipation.

9. Tomatoes:

TomatoesTomatoes are one of the best home remedies to deal with constipation in babies. Tomatoes can be given raw as a part of baby’s diet or as juice. Tomatoes play a very important role in smooth bowel movement of your baby.

Even if your baby is not constipated, you can include it to the baby’s diet as it works wonder for a clean, soft and healthy skin of your baby. Boil one tomato in one cup of water and give the mixture on a daily basis to avoid constipation.

10. Fennels Seeds:

Fennels SeedsFennel seeds have lots of health benefits for adults as well as for babies. Fennel seeds are known for its effectiveness in treating digestion-related issues.

You can add ½ spoon of fennel seeds in the cooked food of your baby or you can boil a teaspoon of fennel seeds in one cup of water, cool and strain the concoction and give to your baby 1-2 times in a day. Fennel seeds help in giving a quick relief from constipation and soften the stool.

10. Exercise:


Babies also need to indulge in exercising like adults. Exercise helps boost the functions of the digestive system. Crawling is the best exercise for the baby to be active; the mom needs to be encouraging the baby to do so. Sometimes, you should give a bicycle leg to your baby as this helps in passing the gas and get read of the issue of constipation.

When to Consult Doctor?

If you see your baby is constipated, then first try to get rid with the issue by trying with the home remedies to cure constipation but if the problem continues for a longer period of time, consult a pediatrician. In such situations, the doctor will rightly figure out in giving the best solution for it. The mother should also make sure of asking the doctor when they change to give formula food to their baby.

Taking care of a baby is not an easy job but at the same time, it is not a difficult work when you know certain things that need to be take care of. Just make sure of the facts that are needed to be dealt with for constipation in babies.