19 Home Remedies for Heat Rash in Babies


Does your baby crying all over the night scratching the itchy red bumps? Then you must know about the heat rashes. You will come to now in brief about the heat rashes and ways to overcome them in your babies by the end of this article.

Heat rash is the most common uncomfortable skin condition. It may make your baby to itch lot. This may occur at the specif part or your baby’s entire body.

This article discusses the causes of heat rash in babies. It presents the home remedies to treat heat rash in babies.

What is Heat Rash in Babies?


Heat rash is also called as prickly heat or miliaria. This is a skin condition which results in the areas with small red bumps. The areas may be itchy.

These rashes usually occur on the clothed parts of the body including back, abdomen, neck, upper chest, and arm pits. It usually occurs in the hot or humid conditions.

Heat rash is not a serious condition. But, it is a sign that your baby is too warm. This over heating may lead to severe conditions such as heat stroke. Usually, heat rashes are not painful. They can be itchy and some of the bumps are tender to the touch.

Does heat rash cause diarrhea in babies? Most of the parents have this doubt. Heat rashes and diarrhea are interlinked. Sometimes, heat rashes may be the result of illness in the babies with cold, cough or diarrhea.

Types of Heat Rash in Babies:


Here are a few types of heat rashes in babies:

1. Miliaria Ruba: This is the most common type of skin rash. It occurs when the sweat is trapped in the glands nearer to the surface of the skin. This condition results in the bumps which are red and itchy.

2. Miliaria Crystallina: It is the most severe form of the heat rash. This condition results when there is a blockage of the sweat in the glands near the epidermis. It results in the white blistered rashes.

3. Miliaria Profunda: It is the uncommon and severe type of heat rash. This condition results from the blocked sweat ducts and trapped sweat beneath the skin. This condition is accompanied by the rashes which are deep seated and flesh colored.

4. Miliaria Pustulosa: It can cause great discomfort in the children. It creates painful blisters that may break over and bleed.

What Causes Heat Rash In Babies ?


Here are a few causes of heat rash in babies:

1. Blocked Sweat ducts: Heat ducts may occur when the sweat ducts are blocked below the skin and sweat gets trapped. It creates fluid filled bumps on the skin.

2. Weather Conditions: Weather conditions are the most common culprit for heat rashes in babies. The overheating of the skin in the summer may produce heat rashes. It occurs under the humid conditions due to the friction caused by the multiple layers of baby’s clothing.

3. More Skin Folds: Babies have lot of skin folds that can trap the sweat and produce heat rashes.

The most commonly affected zones in the baby are neck folds, elbow and knee creases, armpits and inner thighs.

4. Extra clothing: Heat rashes may occur due to bulky pajamas, heavy blankets and the fabrics that make the baby difficult to breathe. Under these conditions, the sweat may get trapped in the folds and sometimes all over the body resulting in the heat traps.

5. Heavy lotions and creams: Be aware of the fact that your baby’s skin may be allergic to certain ingredients in the lotion. This may cause irritation and skin rashes. Plant based products and extracts are the common culprits for skin inflammation in babies. Use the mild soaps and creams.

Signs and symptoms of Heat Rash in babies:


Here are a few signs to notice the heat rashes in your baby:

  • Rash that appears red
  • Tiny pin sized blisters that occurs on a small radius of the skin
  • Hot skin
  • Itching and tingling
  • Baby may act cranky and restless
  • Baby may find trouble in sleeping

Treatment for Heat Rash in Babies?

Here are a few things that you can do to help you baby to get relief from the heat rashes:

Cool Off: Move your baby into a air conditioned room and loosen or remove their clothes. Run some cool water over the skin to wash off the sweat and other body oils.

Keep your baby’s skin dry: Do not rub your baby’s wet skin with towel . Use the fan to dry your baby’s skin. Do not use rash creams unless it is recommended by the doctor. This is one of the best ways to treat heat rash in babies.

Let your baby’s skin breathe: Dress your baby in a light and soft clothing which makes your baby’s skin to breathe comfortably.

Home Remedies For Heat Rash In Babies:

There are many natural home remedies to soothe the burning sensation offered by heat rashes in babies. Here are a few natural remedies for heat rash in babies:

1. Cold Compress:


Cold compress is effective in reducing the temperature in specific part of the body while soothing the pain and burning sensation. Ice packs are mostly used after the activity to reduce the inflammation. This is the best and recommended way for reducing heat rash in babies.

Wrap the ice pieces in the soft, cotton cloth and dab it over the affected areas. This techniques offers the fast relief to your baby. It helps in soothing the itching and burning sensations.

2. Tea Tree Oil:

It has anti inflammatory properties and helps in soothing. It promotes the healing properties.

Dilute the tea tree oil with a carrier oil and remember not to apply it directly over the skin.

3. Oat Meal Bath:

Oat-Meal-BathOats are rich source of anti oxidants and soluble fiber. It is the effective remedy to treat the dry skin and repairing the damaged skin cells.

Add the powdered oat meal to the bather before 10-15 minutes of your baby’s bath. Make sure that the water is not too hot. This remedy makes your little one get immense comfort and relief.

4. Calendula:

CalendulaCalendula is a flower that is used to get relief from the sore throat and mouth. It is the effective home remedy to treat many health conditions like abnormal menstrual periods, cancer, stomach upset and many other diseases.

Use a few drops of calendula oil to your baby’s bath tub and allow your baby to soak in it for 15-20 minutes. If you wish to use this oil directly over the skin, apply the pre diluted oil to your baby’s sensitive skin.

5. Aloe Vera:

Aloe-VeraAloe vera has anti oxidant and anti bacterial properties. It prevfents the wrinkles in the skin and soothes the inflamed skin.

You can use the natural aloe vera or the Aloe Vera gel that is purchased from the store. In order to use the natural aloe vera, slice the actual leaf and apply that gel on the affected areas of your baby’s skin. Wash it off once it is dry.

6. Coriander:

CorianderCoriander powder is the effective home remedy with the anti bacterial, anti fungal, antiseptic, and anti inflammatory properties. It helps in cooling and soothing the skin.

Apply the coriander power on the affected areas of the skin before you bath your baby. Wash it off with lukewarm water once it is completely dry.

7. Chamomile Essential Oil:

Chamomile-Essential-OilIt has anti inflammatory and calming properties. It is used to treat many health conditions of both physical and psychological.

Add few drops of chamomile oil to your baby’s bath tub. It can be used on the skin directly without any other carrier oil. Dilute few drops of coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and apply it over the affected areas of your baby’s skin.

8. Honey:

HoneyIt is the effective home remedy in the treatment of acne and has antibacterial properties. It offers extreme soothing and moisturizing experience.

Hone helps your baby to get relief from the heat rashes in a short time. Apply honey directly on your baby’s skin and leave it for 5-7 minutes before the bath time.

9. Calamine Lotion:


The prime ingredient in the calamine lotion is the zinc oxide. The zinc offers relief from itching and burning sensation.

You must consult your doctor before using this lotion for your baby.

10. Sandalwood Powder:


It has anti inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It helps in removing the dark spots. It helps in cooling down the specific area of the skin and reducing the itchiness.

Make a paste with equal parts of sandalwood powder and rose water and apply it over the affected areas of your baby’s skin.

11. Azardirachta Indica:


It is the effective and ancient home remedy to treat many skin infections. It is also used for the health conditions including leprosy, eye infections, stomach upset, intestinal worms and many others.

Azardirachta Indica is commonly known as Neem. Make a thick paste of Neem leaves and apply it on your baby’s skin before bath and wash it off with the lukewarm water.

12. Cucumber:

CucumberCucumber contains caffeic and vitamin C that reduces the inflammation and irritation of the skin.

Cut small slices of the cucumber and place it on your baby’s skin. You can also apply the cucumber paste on the affected areas for the instant relief.

13. Baking Soda:

Baking-SodaIt has anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties. It prevents the dirt by entering the skin by slightly shrinking the size of skin pores.

Make a solution with baking soda. Dip a washed cloth in the solution and dab it over the affected area. You can also add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the bath tub of your baby.

14. Coconut Oil:

Coconut-OilCoconut oil is a natural remedy to treat many skin conditions and promote the wellness of the skin.

Dip a cotton ball in the coconut oil and gently dab it over the affected area that helps to get relief from the burning sensation.

15. Fuller’s Earth:


It is one of the ancient ingredient used in promoting the beauty of the skin. It is a clay like substance that helps in exfoliating and removing the impurities. It is a rich source of many minerals like Magnesium, Quartz, Silica, Iron, Calcium, and Calcite.

Mix a tablespoon of fuller’s earth with rose water and a pinch of turmeric oil. Apply it on your baby’s skin and wait till it hardens. Wash it off with lukewarm water. This remedy can not be used for the babies below 1 year.

16. Epsom Salt:


Epsom salt help in soothing the skin affected by Eczema and Psoriasis.

Lukewarm bath with one or two cups of Epsom salts helps in relieving the itchiness offered by heat rashes. Make sure that your child does not swallow the water containing Epsom salt while bathing. It is not recommended to use the Epsom salt for the babies below 1 year.

17. Hydrocortisone Cream:


This is the effective medicine for treating the variety of ski conditions like eczema, dermatitis, allergies, and itching of the skin.

The major function of this medicine is to decrease the swelling and protect the immune system from any kind of triggers. This cream can be used for a short term. Avoid using this cream under the diaper as it may further worse the condition.

18. Antihistamines:

Antihistamines are most commonly prescribed medicine to treat allergic symptoms like watering eyes, itchy skin, hives and swelling. They can be used to treat the mosquito bites.

Topical or oral antihistamines are used to relieve the itchiness associated with heat rashes. It is advised to consult your pediatrician before giving to the baby.

19. Unscented Talcum powder:


Talcum powders absorb the sweat. They do not block the skin pores.

Use the talcum powders recommended by your doctor to avoid the irritation of the skin. Apply this powder in the areas that are prone to the sweat like armpits, neck, and inner thighs.

Tips to Prevent Heat Rash in Babies:


Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of heat rash in babies:

  • Make sure to dress your baby in a seasonally appropriate clothing and avoid too many layers of clothing.
  • Allow you baby to go naked for sometime to ensure the skin is dry.
  • Keep your baby well hydrated by offer breastfeeding frequently. Allow your older baby to drink more amount of water.
  • Use the light weight blankets. It is not always necessary to keep your baby in the swaddle or covered by a blanket.
  • Prefer to dress your baby in a breathable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Avoid your baby from the direct exposure to the sun
  • Do not keep your baby directly in front of space heaters or any other source of heat.
  • If you notice excessive sweating in your baby, then move them to a cooler area.
  • Change the diaper more frequently.
  • Do not use creams unless advised by the doctor. It is more recommended to dust the effective powders that help in absorbing the absorbing the sweat and soothing the inflamed skin.
  • Make sure that your baby is not too warm during the sleep which may increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
  • Make sure that the fan air does not blow directly on to your baby’s skin.
  • Avoid the hat to prevent the spread of rashes across the scalp.
  • Avoid the disposable diapers made of the PVC plastic that prevents and locks the heat evaporation resulting in the heat rashes.
  • Wash the folded areas like neck, armpits, and crotch regularly to keep them safe from the sweat deposits.
  • Avoid soap during the bath and allow your baby to bath in lukewarm water.
  • Dry your baby’s skin folds properly after the bath.

When To See a Doctor About Heat Rash In Babies?


In most cases, Heat rashes do not require medical attention. In rare cases rashes may persist for long time and may spread. You might need the medical attention in the following cases:

  • The blisters look swollen and releases puss.
  • The rash remains the same even after 3 days.
  • Rashes accompanied by other health conditions like fever above 102 degree Fahrenheit.
  • Red marks extend beyond the affected area.

In conclusion, prevent the heat rashes before they strike your baby by some tips and dressing you baby in the appropriate clothing. Help your baby to get relief from the itchiness or burning sensation with the help of home remedies.