The 3-Day Potty Training Method for Kids and Toddlers

The 3-day potty training Method for kids and toddlers

When I started looking out for ideas on potty training from when my little one was just 12 months old, I came across ample books with some really enriching and beneficial ways. Then I read a book on how to potty train in 3 days and most important when to begin potty training to get the most without causing psychological effects on kids.

The 3-day potty training method for kids and toddlers is effective only if the child is ready for the plunge. You cant expect a 12-month-old to accomplish and there are some more other aspects which must be met, to ensure the success of this method.

Potty Training for Kids and Toddlers:

Children first begin giving signals and signs for their natural calls. Even at age 2-3 months, you can figure out when they will poop or pee. This can be enriched further for elimination communication. If a toddler or young kid understand elimination communication and when there’s an urge to use the restroom, most part of our potty training is done.

Also, girls get potty trained earlier than boys, and you must check for their readiness first before introducing potty training concepts. A child must be able to stand on own, wear lowers and takes them off also be able to hold themselves on the potty until they finish it all.

Challenges to Potty Training:

  1. In areas where the diaper is just a regular part of baby wear, it is more challenging to potty train as the baby may still not know how the elimination process goes.
  2. Children with delayed developmental milestones may get difficult to gain control easily
  3. Toddlers who are not attending any daycare or school are believed to delay on their potty training

3-Day Potty Training Method:

3 day potty training method

Ever heard about the 3-day potty training method? Well, there is this miraculous process, which ensures utmost training in just 3days if followed genuinely and also the baby is ready for it. The 3-day potty training method is simply an organized way of going off diapers and letting the child pick up from this.

For working moms, a Friday off and the weekend subjected to 3-day potty training method has been a great way to make the bay independent.

These 3 days are extremely challenging and critical, remember if you fail at these you can even delay the potty training by over a year or so.

These 3 days you have to just focus on the bay and being able to support her while she learns the basics of it all. Give up on your met time or social gatherings. Keep the home proofed from soiled and dirty explosions by making one area free for the training. You may not get any time for your daily chores, so have the food, grocery and cleaning all set and take care.

The preparation on how to potty train a girl fast:

The preparation on how to potty train a girl fast

It’s not just those 3 days, I often find people just looking for those 3 days and begin when their babies are not even aware of the processor techniques. And fail miserably with babies facing psychological trauma. Always begin it a 2-3 week in advance. Inform your child about what is going to come up and how is she required to proceed:

  • Remember its not just these 3 days of potty training but some mental preparedness is needed from way before. When you decide the potty training 3-day party, tell your child at least 15-20 days in advance. Begin talking with your child about it every time.
  • Have a doll or comfort toy ready for your child, and allow him or her to practice potty training skills on it. It may not sound conventional but worked great for my 2 years old. Who started teaching her most favorite doll and practicing potty cleaning on her for a few days before we began 3 days of potty training.
  • Having a dummy be there and sharing the step by step procedure makes your baby feel independent and take charge of their own potty needs too. Make them learn the 5 step process of potty by applying it all on the doll first.
  • First, use a toilet tissue or wipe and fold them 3-4 times to fit in hands. Then stretch your hands and let baby keep the legs apart. Now wipe it from inside out always. Specially for the girls to prevent any infection the vaginal area must never be touched. Just clean it from inside and take it out
  • There are some special dolls available for this potty training too who pee or poop and may noise also when they are clean they do inform too. Pick them up
  • Allow this practice to be the same as you want your little one to learn for themselves. Choose a potty time for your doll as morning and evening and never soon after meals.
  • There are several books which have pictorial representation and also Youtube videos which must be shared with your little ones, to help them understand the entire process in its exact

Preparation for the 3-day potty training method:

Preparation for the 3 day potty training method

There are some items you will need and some setting you must ensure for a home to help you keep up your patience. It is challenging and be sure to keep yourself calm and determined all through. Some more items needed are:

  1. You will need some long t-shirts for your child, which are until around thigh length.
  2. Buy some panties
  3. Cover your couch and other items of furniture to avoid any damage to them
  4. Have a comfortable and exciting potty set up in the restroom for your child, which must be adequately large and high and your child must be able to sit
  5. Have ample drinks for your child, you want them to pee more than usual to learn it fast.

Prepare yourself too: As the success of the 3-day potty training method depends on your effort and determination:

It’s more about how much patient and supportive you are with your child than about anything else. Some more things which will help in a smooth transition from diapers to panties are:

  1. No punishments at all during these 3 days: Do not punish your child if she fails or has an accident. The more you punish the greater will be the drift away from your agenda
  2. Keep rewards or presents for winning it each time: No punishments but definitely, you need lots of interesting and exciting prizes for your children. Every time they are banging on you must give them the rewards so that they try more for the next time too
  3. Allow more drinks: Give more and more drinks to your child, and make them pee a lot more than usual. This will help the child also learn thoroughly, how elimination is done
  4. Set reminders: A cute alarm clock or a gentle reminder must be given every time you feel they would pee or poop. And do mention how more and more prizes can be won. Be supportive rather than strict
  5. No diapers at all: This means even if you have to go out or in a car, or sleep the child does not wear a diaper at all. Buy some wonderful and colorful panties to help your child stay excited.

Potty training preparedness:

Potty training preparedness

  1. Potty training begins when the child has learned elimination communication for most of the time.
  2. The child must be able to wear their pants or lowers by themselves
  3. They must be mature enough to sit at the potty seat until they eliminate it
  4. The child’s diapers must be dry for at least a few hours all day and almost all nights
  5. The child shows discontent when wearing diapers as the rashes are unpleasant for them
  6. You have an entire 3-day long weekend set aside for the potty training process

The 3 day potty training method for

The 3-day potty training method for:

Now comes the actual 3-day potty training method. Just remember even if you don’t succeed you must not lose hope. The child will eventually be off diapers. Follow the below:

  1. The first day early morning, when the child gets up you, must have a trash set up and ask your child to bid bye-bye to their diapers, tell them they are a grown up kid now and they don’t need it anymore.
  2. Now put on the long t-shirt on her and allow her to proceed in her usual activities for the day. Do not shout all the time and let them play and relax too. Tell your child just once in a gentle way, to be careful and pee or poop in the potty now
  3. Keep a sippy in your side and offer it to the child every 5-10 minutes. Keep their favorite drinks in it so they don’t refuse it.
  4. Every time they pee or poop correctly give them prizes
  5. A gentle no and we don’t do it here is enough for all accidents
  6. Take them out in the backyard too
  7. Keep a waterproof mattress pad on your bed for the night
  8. The second day you have to put on panties too
  9. Proceed in the same way and reminding every few minutes to pee or poop
  10. During daytime take them out to a store. The first day is just for 30-45 minutes
  11. Have them pee there too, so they learn how to control and piss when away from home
  12. Don’t worry about the accidents, all of us have gone through it.
  13. For the third day set aside a 2-3 hours time outside. At the park or at someone’s place who knows about your potty training method and is ready to help
  14. Never make a scene when your kid has had an accident. The more gentle and supportive you are the better effects of the training.
  15. At the end of the third day, you must be ready for never taking out the diaper again, even if they regress you have to keep supporting and training them

Some potty training mistakes we as parents do, which delays this milestone:

  1. Too early training, wait at least for 18-24 months to begin
  2. Using pull-ups, they are just a feel-good factor and do not benefits
  3. Punishing the child and making them psychologically weak
  4. Not being able to adhere to the rules and stopping in between
  5. Never compare any two kids, all have their own specific ways of learning

The above compilation on The 3-day potty training Method for kids and toddlers is to help all the mothers of toddlers, in organizing and accomplishing this major milestone in the child. Be patient and remember all of us have gone through it. No one passes out of high school in their diapers and eventually, everyone learns it.

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