This stage makes you more confident as you have successfully completed 2 months of parenting with your baby. The more you know about your baby the more you can help them to achieve the milestones on time. And 11 Week Old Baby Milestones are here!
Your baby starts to acquire the prominent facial features. by this age. Number of milestones that baby needs to achieve increases along with their age. Baby’s tend to attain more accuracy in their development as the weeks pass on. Your one- sided affection becomes two sided as your baby grows and starts recognizing you.
Here are the few things that you should know about your 11 week old baby.
11 week old baby development and milestones:

By the age of 11 weeks, your baby is about 3 months old. You may experience some beautiful memories as the babies start to figure out the ways to communicate with you.
Here are a few developmental stages that you should know in your new born baby:
1. 11 Week old baby weight:
The following weight ranges are applicable for the full term infants.
- 11 week old baby boy weighs in between 5.6 to 6.4 kg.
- 11 week old baby girl weighs in between 5.1 to 5.8 kg.
Premature babies are monitored by the doctor with some specialized growth chart and they need special medical attention.
2. Physical, social, and cognitive milestones of 11 week old baby:
It is the best time to lay down some language skills for your baby. Cognitive development refers to the thinking and learning abilities of your child. Social development refers to the ways that the babies use to connect with their caregivers. Your baby’s emotional development will help them to cope with their feelings like frustration, excitement and express them effectively. Variation in the baby’s cry is the outcome of the baby’s emotional development.
3. 11 week old baby Physical appearance:
Babies are likely to acquire the facial features resembling their parents by the age of 3 months. You may notice the couple of growth spurts by this time and it is the right time to transition from 0 size to the very next size. The initial growth of the newborn baby begins with the head and moves to the other parts of the body. Development of muscles and senses contribute to the physical development of the baby.
At the age of 11 weeks, babies start to kick more with their feet. They learn to roll to the sides and back to the normal position. Babies may take little more time for the complete rolling. Babies start to produce more saliva than they can produce at this stage.
4. 11 week old baby feeding:
Feeding plays a prominent role in the growth and development of the baby. Breasefed babies are likely to achieve healthy weight gain when compared to bottlefed babies.
Scheduled doctor prescribed feedings are recommended for the premature babies. For the full term and healthy babies, it is best to look at the babies instead of following the clock schedules. This is regarded as the responsive or on demand feeding.
Here are some of the hunger cues that babies exhibit:
- Licking the lips
- Moving the head in search of milk
- Sucking on their blankets and other things around
- Fussiness
Babies are good at taking the enough amounts of milk. Bottle fed babies are at the risk of taking in more amounts of milk as it involves less effort than breastfeeding. Overfed babies can have frequent stomach pains, or vomit and are at the risk of obesity in their later life.
Baby’s progress on the growth chart is the best indicator to recognize that babies are getting enough and right amounts of milk.
Note: babies should not be given water for the six months as it may replace the feeding and make your baby to lose nutrients that are required for the growth.
5. 11 week old baby cry:
Newborn baby cry most of the times to seek your attention. Learn some techniques to soothe the crying baby. Babies are less likely to cry at this age. The most common cause for the babies to cry is fussiness and the colic symptoms. Crying is the best tool that the babies use to communicate with the parents in all the stages of their development.
You may notice small cries after putting the baby in the crib, these are the signs that they fail to get into the deep sleep.
The other two reasons that make your baby to cry are hunger and the demand for attention. Most often babies become fussy when they are cuddled up by many new people. Other causes of fussiness in babies may include diaper rashes, overstimulation, food sensitivities, and low milk supply.
Certain shaking things can help to make your baby more comfortable.
- Rock your baby gently in your arms
- Get a baby swing
- The smooth or consistent movements may help your soothing baby sleep well.
- Try some soothing noises to comfort fussy baby.
6. 11 week old baby self soothing:
Self -soothing is one of the best milestones that the babies develop at this age. Do not run to the baby when they wake up and cry in the middle of the sleep. Offer sometime for your baby to learn self soothing. This technique helps the babies to get into sleep easily and makes them less prone to distractions.
7. 11 week old baby sleeping:
Babies achieve predictable sleep habits by the age of 3 months. They usually take three naps a day one in the early morning, other in the afternoon, and one more in the evening. They will follow the same sleep schedules everyday.
Reducing the rate of overstimulation in the morning will help your baby to have long and distortionless sleep during the night time. Keep your baby’s room away from the loud noises.
8. 11 week old baby’s head movements:
By the age of 3 months babies tend to have strong muscles in their neck region. Some babies start to roll to the sides and some others roll completely and learn to enjoy the tummy time. Whenever the babies are on their tummy they lift their head and shoulders with the support of arms. Babies start some swimming movements at this age.
Babies are able to lift their heads fairly and turn them around in response to some sounds.
9. 11 week old baby reflexes:
Here are some of the reflexes that babies develop at the age of 3 months.
1) Thumb or finger sucking:
For many babies, 3 months is the age where they discover the use of their hands and start sucking their thumbs. This helps the babies to self soothe themselves. Babies love to chew their fingers. This helps them to get relief from the discomforts that occur during teething.
2) Smell Recognition:
Babies are able to recognize the smell of the caregivers which strengthens during this age.
3) Texture Preferences:
Babies tend to attain some texture preferences by this age. They will show great extent of responses towards the things they feel smooth and uncomfortable.
10. 11 week old baby sitting:
Encourage your baby to sit in your lap with the support. Ensure that when your baby sits in your lap, they could be able to hold their head straight firmly. Necessary care should be taken while allowing your baby to sit as their backbones are not well developed provide proper support to them.
11. 11 week old baby vision:
The babies at this stage can recognize the face of their primary caretaker. The range of their sight still lies between 8-12 inches. Babies may show increase in their attention span. At this age babies gain the ability to gaze at your face for about 10 seconds.
By following some tips, you can stimulate the span of their gaze period to a bit more beyond 10 second. Mount a mobile over your baby’s crib this enhances the focusing skills of the baby. Babies may be able to follow your movements when you move closer to them. Encourage your baby to see your face more while feeding.
A 11 week old baby will be able to see the objects within the range of 8 to 10 inches. Babies usually develop their color vision between 4 to 5 months of age.
12. 11 week old baby hearing:
It is most important for the babies to be tested for the hearing before 1 month. Full hearing test should be done for the babies before the age of 3 months. Doctors start the treatment by the age of 6 months if they notice any kind of hearing problems. Any family history of hearing problems may put your baby at the risk of hearing problems. Even if the baby has passed the initial screening test, it is more important to look for the general symptoms of the hearing loss:
● You may not recognize the startle reflexes in the baby on hearing louder noises.
● Babies may not respond to the voices of the parents.
Especially, premature babies are at the risk of hearing loss.
Babies may start to turn their eyes in response to the sounds by the age of 6 months. Here are the few milestones of the babies till the age of 3 months:
- Reacts to loud sounds
- Makes soft sounds
- Smiles or calms down when you spoke to them
- Able to recognize your voice
13. 11 week old baby poop frequency:
You may notice the changes in the newborn baby’s stool as they grow. Switching from breastmilk to formula milk or changing the type of formula can bring the changes in the stool color, amount, and consistency. The frequency of the baby to pass the stools may vary. Sometimes babies may pass the stools once in 3 to 7 days or 10 times a day both are fine. Color the baby poop is the best indicator to ensure the health of the baby. Stool color of the bottle fed baby may vary from the breastfed baby. Infrequent breast feeding may make your baby to be affected by the constipation.
The stool color and texture of the bottlefed baby and breastfed baby may not be the same. The stool color of the beeastfed baby is yellow and loose or sometimes may be curdy or seedy. Formula fed baby’s stool may be firmer than the breastfed babies. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about the changes in your baby’s stools.
If your newborn baby is not passing the stool, take a consultation from the lactation specialist and you need a check regarding the diet, latch, and position.
14. 11 week old baby behavior:
Babies exhibit more amounts of energy and excitement during when they are awake. And Babies are able to raise their head during the tummy time. Also Babies are likely to develop the strength of the upper body during this stage.
Along with making some funny sounds, babies may start using the saliva in the funny ways. Offer your baby some teething tool to help them soothe any discomforts that arise while their first tooth erupt in.
15. 11 week old baby Growth Spurt:
Growth spurts can happen at any time. It is more common for the babies to encounter growth spurts at the age of 3 months, 6 months, and nine months. When the growth spurts strike the baby, they may experience fast and furious growth. Michelle Lampl, a doctor and a growth researcher at Emory University in Atlanta says that babies can gain weight and height measurably in 24 hours.
16. 11 week old baby motor development:
Babies at the age of 3 months starts to open their fists. Babies start to show improvements in their motor development every week. Here are some of the motor developments that you need to know in your baby. Babies start to develop their rooting and sucking reflexes. Swallowing reflexes may tend to be immature in the babies.
Grasp reflexes are more important for the babies which help them to hold the things. Babies can not hold their head straight in line with their body when they are made to sit.
17. Games and activities for 11 week old baby:
Your baby’s capability of recognizing you increases by this age. It is the best age to connect more with your baby. Get some colored toys and help them to focus on the moving things. Try making some funny faces that makes your baby smile.
11 Week old baby care tips & Precautions:
Taking care of a newborn baby is a great challenge especially for the new parents. Baby care is the essential thing for the all round the clock.
1. Regular Baby Massage: Massage is essential for the proper muscle growth of the baby. It helps in providing the strength and nourishment for the muscles. Massage greatly helps to adjust the baby’s uneven lips within the age of 3 months. Massage your baby’s skin regularly with the baby oil and leave it for about 20 minutes before bath time.
2. Baby clothing and laundering: Ensure to dress your baby as per the room temperature. Do not wrap your baby in too many layers during the winter as it may irritate them.
Use the non chemical laundry detergents that are especially made for the infants. Wash your baby’s clothes separately and soak them in warm water before washing.
3. Keep your home clean: As your baby reaches the age of 3 months, it is more important to offer some tummy time. Make the floor carpets and baby’s play mat clean and mop it regularly with some floor disinfectants.
Sofas and floor carpets are the hotspots for the insects and worms causing infections. Clean them regularly with a stiff brush.
4. Keep your baby away from the diaper rashes: Diarrhea and frequent urination may make your baby more vulnerable to the diaper rashes. Diaper rashes may make your baby more fussy. Ensure to keep your baby’s diaper area clean and dry. Offer some diaper free time for your baby every day.
5. Offer supervised tummy time: Supervised tummy time is more important for the babies at the age of 3 months. Start the tummy time with 15-20 minutes and make it up till the baby can roll over on their own.
6. Baby’s health: Physical examination of the baby is the best measure for the overall health of the baby. Ensure that your baby gets enough food satisfying their increased appetite.
Keep a track on the vaccine schedules that are recommended by your pediatrician. If the required vaccines are administered within the 2 months age, there is no need of vaccination at this age.
7. Keep your baby safe: Safety is more important for your baby especially at this age as they learn to use their hands to catch the things. Make sure that their surroundings are free from the sharp and small objects.
8. Use a video monitor in your baby’s room: Babies require more attention as they start to move forward and backward with their kicking movements. 11 Week Old Baby Milestones for a Video monitors will help you to have an eye on the baby when you are not in the room. This allows the caregivers to know when an infant wake.
In conclusion, infants need constant attention which lays the foundation for their growth and development. Babies at this age are likely to attain chubby cheeks and adorable facial features. Provide your baby more attention and comfort all the time and make them feel secured.